
There is if you’re in NY.

It’s not even that there’s an opinion that an offense was committed. It’s that there’s suspicion of an offense having been committed. They can basically just take your stuff and hold it hostage whenever they want.

They tell us that they won’t make a WRX wagon or hatchback anymore because everybody wants crossovers. Then, they stick us with just the WRX sedan and won’t make a fast(er) Forester or Crosstrek.

The problem here is that they’re not going to be able to get the color they want if they buy it used in a couple years because all people seem to buy is shades of gray.

My sister bought a new RAV4 a few weeks ago. It’s gray. Ugh.

Hmm. I’ve never even heard of that. I’m not in a hurry, so maybe I’ll have to try that next time he stinks up my car or, more likely, my kid stinks up my wife’s car when she spills who knows what in there.

I was wondering the same thing. All I can figure is that it’s some weird expression of people’s need to virtue signal.

Those do work, eh? I considered buying one last year when I let my dad borrow my car for a couple weeks while his truck was in the body shop. I figured he’d be courteous enough not to smoke in somebody else’s car, but that didn’t pan out. I ended up buying one of those things from the home store that’s a tub of floral

I’m not going to watch the video, but I’d be surprised if you told me that this O’Leary person didn’t scoff and muse that a banana only costs, what, $10 at least once.

I’m saving my popcorn for the first lawsuit filed for when Tesla refuses to honor the warranty for a defective part a customer shot and insists that “Elon told me I could.”

At least they offset the pipes from the turbines so you stand a small chance of seeing well enough to avoid hitting something in the (likely) event you blow the engine and send several cubic feet of oil, smoke, and engine parts through them.

That salesman’s face screams “no commission is worth this.”

This sounds kind of like the time a dealer ran my credit without my permission. I only found out they did it because I got letters that I had been denied credit to purchase the car I was looking at because the amount of the loan would too far exceed the value of the collateral.

Why the hell do they need to run a credit check when you’re not using credit? That sounds dubious as hell.

That seems like an odd defect to allow to get to production. Sounds like their QA is less than stellar.

VW’s already have that weird crayons smell.

Well, it was broken when I got it, I spent an entire summer making it right. I then spent the next five years chasing various things that would break, one after another, until I realized I had been able to put 10k on it over those five years and that the next repair was going to be a major pain in my ass to do.

I’ve still got my ‘02 325Ci. I miss it, but it’s broken and whenever I have time to try to fix it, I don’t have money to do it. It’s been in my garage for five years now just gathering an ever thicker layer of dust.

I bought a used, out of warranty Audi once.

It is kind of interesting how Ramsey’s advice really does reduce to “try not being poor” but with extra steps.