Just throwing this out there but I can't think of a single device I own that will stop working without an internet connection. The majority will be less useful without internet. Less useful but still functional.
Just throwing this out there but I can't think of a single device I own that will stop working without an internet connection. The majority will be less useful without internet. Less useful but still functional.
I was actually robbed a few years back. They got my laptop, PS3 and wii. I did manage to get my virtual console titles on my new wii but it was a hassle. I needed to provide my old wii's serial number, new wii's serial number, a copy of my police report, I needed to tell the operator the last two or three games I…
I would like to see that as well.
Yeah this is probably the worst comment system I've ever seen. I actually didn't mind the setup from yesterday. It was easy enough to follow. This is not. This has no flow and no logical way to find where I was in the comments without going to the beginning and scrolling through everything to find where I left off.
Why question Cranston? You would have better luck asking of a star why do you shine slightly brighter than the others. After Breaking Bad I will follow him blindly bald or with a flowing mane.
Glad I could help. The movie had a lot of problems but Emo Pete was the least of them. I liked Sandman until he turned to dust and blew away on the wind at the end. And Spider-Man 3 pales in comparison to the unyielding suck that was Superman Returns. I almost walked out on that one.
And really it made sense for the movie version of Peter Parker to act that way. There was no chance of him ever evolving into anything beyond a giant geek, so why would he suddenly become cool just because he's acting aggressive. He's aggressive in being lame.
Then wouldn't your time be better spent trying to prove the people who nitpick your articles wrong? Granted the yearly dlc roster update is an old idea, but in no way did it invalidate or attack what you wrote for an article. You could have left it with the comment about the licence mandate and this thread would…
They had a longer version of this clip a while back on here. He does actually appear to get out of the situation with no one getting a good look at his face. It was irritating in the last three that he couldn't seem to go a day without being caught with his mask off though.
All that epilogue really hammered home was nothing of note ever happened again otherwise it would have gotten more than passing mention in two boring miserable pages.
I read it the exact same way. Thanks to your picture I find that to be the more disturbing of the two options.
First the Ninja Turtles and now Spider-Man. How far my childhood heroes have fallen. What's next the Ghostbusters or Power Rangers?
Who isn't?
You good sir will forever be my hero for providing me my first +1 on the internets. I will mark this day on the calender and have cake every year.
I am so pumped for that episode. It almost made me not care about everything I had just seen. I'm absolutely giddy for this. I'm pretty sure my girlfriend is sick of me randomly bringing up how excited I am for this. Hurry up I want to see Let's Kill Hitler.
So the gist of this is we are listening to all of your concerns, ignoring them, and we would like this design if only we got it. I'm so glad that there is an endless scroll taking up half the page, especially since I never go down past the first few articles anyways. I'm still prone to hitting the down arrow to…
@Kovitlac: I'll have to go back and watch them again. The odd thing is my non-gaming sister is the one who recomended Tobuscus to me. I'm watching his playthrough of Amnesia and enjoying it.
@Kovitlac: This video gets funnier every time I see it.
I keep hoping that my intense dislike of this set up is my irrational hatred of change, but I have yet to have an experience that hasn't been frustrating. I tried reading the Neil Gaiman safe sex comic yesterday and it just turned into a hassle. Fun fact: you don't actually click enlarge to see a full image, you drag…