
A) Jezebel had a full page piece in support of Lupita’s op-ed within hours of it coming out.

B) The Weinstein response hit sometime late yesterday and got the low billing it deserves, in the next available Dirt Bag. Especially considering it hit right before the weekend and we know they switch over to night/weekend

Come on now, Lupita is worshipped on Jezebel. I don’t understand why you are going after white women as if women of all ethnicities can’t also be problematic

He said that he wrote it off as Harry being a stereotypical womanizer. I think the term he used was he saw the behavior as more of “the boss chasing the secretary around the desk,” than assault, and he now realizes how sick that was. But I am not interested in raking him over the coals on this. I think this is a

What is utterly mystifying is the amount of celebrities who show up to go to bat for him—Usher, Jamie Foxx, Mary J. Blige, Mike Tyson among them.

I’ve been WAITING for y’all to get to this story.

fuck mayim bialik

Jesus Christ, is there a woman in Hollywood this hasn’t happened to?

I don’t know anything about the Values Voters Summit, but the SPLC lost all credibility when they labeled Majid Nawaz and Ayan Hirsi Ali as extremists.

She’s a horrible wife for kissing her friend?

Dead @ “rich, black leprechaun”.

A logical, thinking woman. Do you understand how hard that is? To get a woman that can think on a logistic, like, term?

Yes to everything you said. Especially that last part.

It took me a long time to warm up to him but now that I have, I adore him and really feel like most who are against him are just resentful he’s not Jon.

All y’all need to watch his stand up.

Trevor Noah is a very different comedian from Jon Stewart, and I think the way the show has come to be built around Jon’s signature style puts Trevor at a great disadvantage. If you watch his comedy specials, he’s actually a really great stand-up, but his material is different. He’s a really goofy guy who’s at his

Omg...when you have a vagina then comment...have you’ve had one or the other!? Shhhhhhhhhhhh 👍👍👍👍

Yeah, I read it to mean maybe she chose it out of laziness (and obv mostly joking). Like maybe her doctor gave her the choice of vaginal birth or c-section and she chose c-section for ‘lazy’ reasons like not wanting to deal with vaginal birth. That doesn’t mean she thinks a c-section is literally lazy or that other

Also, I don’t think she was serious about shaving her head. Why does everyone assume this answer was totally serious?

yeah, people do not seem to be able to separate a personal comment from a comment meant to apply to everyone. that when a person says “this choice i made was a bad choice for me,” so many people hear “this choice i made is a bad choice.”

This. The backlash is predictable, but idiotic. This is why I am sick of constant internet outrage. We can’t even discuss our personal feelings about our own experiences anymore? Fuck that noise.

I can’t deal with the outrage machine. So stupid.