Honestly, I think if you're being killed by the state, the pain just isn't the relevant factor. It's a distinctly American and bizarre view that the problem with the death penalty is that we're just not doing it nicely enough.
Beheading, when done quick and painlessly, is probably the most humane form of execution, you're right, but as far as I'm concerned, that's like saying horse shit is the most appetizing animal shit.
I'm a grey so who the fuck knows who'll read this but here goes:
kendall's ghostwriter is pippa's ghostwriter understudy
1. Ugghhhhh to Steve Carell (the performance, not the man). Him getting a nom over Jake Gyllenhaal is outrageous.
I'm such a communist. Aka european. It's basically the same, you know.
I wonder if that's just her way of saying, "please leave me the fuck alone reporters."
Oh, honey, give it time. I had a strict diet (doctors orders) the first two trimesters, no problem. Once I got to the third, whole different story. I crave sweets ALL THE TIME. Don't get me wrong, still eat the salads and fruit and healthy stuff but I'm like a vacuum arround the sweet stuff. Here's hoping you keep…
How was Selma nominated for Best Picture but not Best Director, Cinematography, Screenplay?
Absolutely wonderful to watch on TV this morning. The outpouring of support is enough to warm the cobweb-festooned cockles of the cold, dried up muscle I call a heart. I especially love all the artistic support coming out, like the 87 year old creator of Asterix (my favorite comic growing up!) coming out of retirement…
How will they report it? Easy — they won't.
I do give her props for not being all inflated with fillers...
I terminated a very wanted pregnancy at 26 weeks gestation in June. My daughter had a genetic duplication and abnormalities that would have ensured that her life was brief and painful, had she even survived the rest of pregnancy and birth. If I was not extremely privileged to have excellent health insurance and enough…
I know when my husband comes home after his whirlwind business trips in foreign countries, the first thing he does is open up the Facebook and comment about the attractiveness of potential rape victims. All the time. It's just what you do in that situation.
Here's the scientific explanation: A lot of extra heat is produced by the scrotum periodically smacking against the thighs; this heat is carried by blood vessels into the man's core in order to keep him warmer while hunting. Women should be warm enough already because of all the babies they have strapped to them.