
I recently saw a tumblr post that compared BK in Denmark to the US. I assumed that the Danish government has a better regulations when it comes to fast food workers. I think last year, the McDonald's employee website had advice on how to get food stamps.

Denmark is a better place for workers in general than the United States. That's the long and short of it, really.

In Canada, McDonalds used to be one of the top ten employers, but then we found out about temporary foreign worker abuses, so I don't think they're going to make top 10 this year.

In the US the fast food industry mostly employs middle-aged, single-parent minorities with very little education, people our society has a much easier time abusing than peppy teens. If Denmark had crushing poverty on the scale the US does, the entry level retail worker demographic would quickly shift to people trying

Reign is a stupid-ass name. That's all I came here to say. Stupid-ass name.

I mean, I hope not. But it is possible. However, he's educating everyone reading his tweets so that's good too, right?

I know someone who knows Dubya from way back, and apparently he's a fun dude. That, however, is not a great qualification for the presidency.

I mean yes, ideally we should, but politics is a dirty business.

He's Mr. Valium, a big relaxing sedative for all of us. He's so charming and intelligent, he'll take care of everything! We can relax, maybe take a nap...then you wake up and Cheney's still not in jail and it's all still fucked. UGH.

Didn't Lil Kim just use Reign as well? So yeah, it is having a moment.

I just wanted to share this nice Christmas story for anyone in the mood.

The protesters are not a monolith. The ones screaming for the death of cops do not represent the movement. That's what you want to believe, and no matter what you say, the man who killed those cops is responsible for his own actions.

This has been a rough month and a half- I pretty much cleaned out my bank account getting my furnace fixed and then had to repair my dryer. (Bonus points for me- I did that repair myself! Yayyy!) But... my regular client (the one I count on for the bulk of my income) stalled me twice and then said he did not have

Any article that involves race is going to bring out idiot white people. Nature of the game.

So someone at my work tried to commit suicide at their desk this week. It's not someone I know personally I just know who she is. She is also trans and this is the south where even well meaning people will say terrible shitty things with out realizing it so I can't even imagine some of this shit this poor girl has

While I agree with your point about protesters being massively against this man's actions and that he should not be labelled as one of them, I just wanted to say something about what else you said.

he looks like they picked him up from an old spice commercial

It's his sense of humor, I swear. Even if he's not writing his own jokes his delivery is impeccable.

I think being president is hard as fuck and so I cut the man some slack, and also try to remember that it was this or McCain. Or Mittens. So as much as a ton of stuff is not great, I try to take breaths and remember that he's about as good as it's realistically gonna get.