
This so delightfully tone-deaf. I'm very thankful for the huge grin that this put on my face, because I'm having a rough week. Their STRUGGLE is so moving. I can't have Extraordinary Beauty X, because I have Extraordinary Beauty Y. I can't have all the Beauties! Much like Oedipus, Electra or Orestes, I'm stuck with

I wish I had a boyfriend and 19 cabbage patch dolls to hold in my arms as I kissed him.

I mean, her comments seem appropriate and respectful, the fuck is the problem? I don't even like TS, but ffs.

Of course, that would result in most pets never being adopted in the first place, and a whole lot of younger and healthier animals getting euthanized as a result.

From my point of view - better that I adopted my cat from the county shelter and gave him several years of a happy and healthy life. If I can't afford

Bahahahahahaha! That IS insane! I could be charitable and blame it on the hormones, but chronic self-righteousness is a deliberate choice. Breastfeeding is great if you can and want to do it. I didn't want to! I know! SHOCK!!! Didn't even try. The hubs loved it because he could actually take turns feeding the baby and

has he been convicted without a trial? No. So why are you telling us this here? If someone beats you senseless and you tell your friends about it, do they say "innocent until proven guilty, bro, so don't bother us with the details?"

So, I would have had a 10/10 perfect day, but a man on the bus (a WHITE man, for the naysayers) groped me between the legs. Twice, because it was so crowded that I couldnt move away, and I was too shocked to say anything and I should have and it was awful.


I assume the reason she spends so much time promoting access to education is: people like you.

The problem is she's forgetting her audience, her tweenage audience who is screaming for more songs about poverty, injustice, and I can't even.


you said "Science will never replicate the miracle that is natural conception and childbirth."

Donde está la biblioteca?

If women just "lean in" more to the capitalist patriarchy, systemic sexism will be cured! Women's liberation will come when women behave more like sociopathic men!

Entire generations were fed on formula. Ask around and you'll find that the majority of people in their 30's were and are doing just fine. I'm going to give it a try, but I'm not sure how I can pump at work when I return. There's nowhere but the bathroom (illegal, I know, but true) and no time during the day unless

It's not the size of the PROTEST that matters...It's the IMPACT of the protest that matters! Today at our Plaza Inn protest the hotel staff came out and stated, "You need to leave! Come back next week and protest...but not THIS week! We have people staying here this week because of the Balloon Fiesta from all across

seriously even if someone is anti abortion i cannot imagine that person would want their young child to see this

For the benefit of all moms, future moms, and happily child-free friends of moms, I will share the words of my amazing pediatrician when it became clear that breastfeeding was not going to work for me and my son despite my increasingly frantic efforts: