Can we seriously stop using the term "baby prostitute"? I know it was a throw off joke in a movie from 15 years ago, but I seriously don't think people stop to think what the heck they're actually saying.
Can we seriously stop using the term "baby prostitute"? I know it was a throw off joke in a movie from 15 years ago, but I seriously don't think people stop to think what the heck they're actually saying.
I mean, it's really complicated. Nothing excuses racism/xenophobia, etc., but there are populations of immigrants in Western European countries who refuse to assimilate and actively look down on Western values/culture—while benefiting from living in a Western culture and country—and then we get stuff like Theo van…
Don't forget the Skarsgards .....
Why do you hate America?
It will take less than 72 hours for a Judge to figure out this is bullshit and strike it down.
Dude. Troll. Replying bumps his assholishness out of the grays!
I appreciate that impulse and everything, especially if you live somewhere where you don't have those rights, but I don't really think people in New Zealand or Canada or wherever really need to hold off on treating gay marriage like a non-issue until Alabama comes around.
It isn't anyone's job to suffer because others are being denied rights. People have been marrying for stupid reasons for ages (land, money, propriety, ect). If anything this just shows that gay marriage is just as viable as regular marriage. The station treating it as weird is bs though.
oh my god, I feel like taking my kids to the doc to re-vaccinate them after watching that.
I'm from an ethnically turkish Iranian family and I lived in England from age two till eight. I've seen old videos of baby me talking with a British accent but I can't imitate a British accent now if my life depended on it. I speak English with a general kinda American accent, like most people who learn it as second…
When I was in high school, we had some exchange students from Freiburg, Germany, one of whom was living with a friend of mine. We were determined to teach him to sound Southern during his stay. The results were...mixed. He picked up a few of the words, but with that very straight-up-and-down pronunciation and emphasis…
Yes, it definitely comes from the cowboy fascination. I've encountered it many times in my years abroad.
Wait wait wait! Do Southerners say "make a picture" instead of "take a picture"? Because my mom said that on vacation and my sisters and I all doubled over laughing at her. She's not from the South, though; she's from Philly, and she usually says "take a picture" like normal people.
"This is exactly why you don't see me in karaoke bars—I know my lanes."
I wouldn't have found it objectionable personally (though I think it's unlikely to actually solve any problem, since most hotels don't have guards on each floor checking if you're allowed to be there). My point was that courts tend to look askance at even "no-big-deal" discrimination because the laws against…
I just watched that episode for the first time! Luckily, my husband was watching it with me, so that night was OK. But, he had to work late the next night, and I definitely checked under the bed before going to sleep.
Hate to say it, kid, but if you respected their relationship, you wouldn't spend time with him.:( Whatever good qualities he has, he is a guy who is willing to string you along and emotionally two-time his lady friend. Not cool. I honestly don't think you should date this guy even if he does break things off with…
If there really is someone who had 7 abortions please don't stop her from having more. Doesn't it occur to the pearl clutching anti-abortionists that someone that ignorant shouldn't be raising a child? If someone is so stupid as to choose to have abortions rather than take a pill or have a IUD implanted, no one…
I really like Alan Rickman's voice. I know there are others but they escape me at the moment.