
You speak Kylie Jenner, too?!? I thought there were only a few of us left to translate bullshit for the rest of the world.

Dasha Polanco looked exquisite in a pastel gown

I wonder if Future saw this coming.

I could alllmost see Queen Máx on there, but there are only two royal fashion goddesses: Sheikha Mozah and real-life Minerva McGonagall, Queen Margarethe of Denmark, who actually designs many of her own gowns.

I don't wear thongs, but I am at the point where I want to tell my husband to start showering every time he poops, he has skid marks on ALL his boxers, and it is foul. He says it's because he is a chef who sweats his balls off working in a piping hot kitchen all day, so even when he wipes thoroughly and is clean,

You can't win. Our little guy refused to sleep in his bassinet from day one so we co-slept. We mentioned this to our Healthy Beginnings Nurse (canada) and she shamed us and treated us differently from the moment we mentioned sharing our bed. Do what works. Babies cry loud if awake. So its ok. We never got a monitor.

I think what those ladies are not getting is that a tired mother can be a dangerous mother. We sort of romanticize that whole new baby-fatigue thing. But people do stupid things when they are tired.

We also had this romantic idea of a lot of kids, but needed to stop at one. He's fabulous and I love him dearly but Christ on a cracker he can drive me absolutely insane.

I'm a zombie this morning because he was flipping around like a fish all night long (bed sharing is great for us, 98% of the time), and I kept

I don't understand co-sleeping but to each their own. My whole family, including Dh and I, boot baby to their room as soon as we get home from the hospital. Our room is a private place as a couple. Do what you need to do or you'll snap.

It's fine, I thought it was pretty normal. Just be prepared to do a lot of walking back and forth for night feeding and your sleep not improving. And just my opinion, stay the fuck away from mommy groups, particularly those concerning mothers with babies. My experience is that with their small amount of baby care

I'm not a mom, but I was a nanny for young kids. It's fine. Lots of parents do this and their kids turn out great.

Go for it. I have the same problem you do. I am a really light sleeper, and I have a 2 month old who makes a lot of noise, particularly from 4 am to 6 am. I haven't moved him to a crib in his own room yet because I don't know where I'm going to put him, plus he has acid reflux.

I teach childbirth and newborn classes to mothers who are using midwives (so a little crunchy is what I'm saying). Here's what I say about sleep: Your goal is to maximize sleep for the whole family. That includes you! If you sleep better with the kiddo in another room, then by all means, try it out. Sleep once you

HA! I have five children. I would have loved to be able to boot them into their own rooms at that age. If you can get away from the baby snuffling noises that wake you up, and still hear the OMG feed me now yelling, everyone wins.

It is completely 100% not horrible and those moms in your group are cuckoo bananas. We moved our son around the same time (he'd been in an Arm's Reach cosleeper) for the same reason. He slept pretty well but newborns are SO NOISY and I'm a light sleeper so he was waking me up all night. In his crib, he slept even

Mommy here who cosleeps still (kid is six). Here is my advice: PUT YOUR KID IN THE OTHER ROOM.

It is OK. Honestly, you need your sleep. Your baby will be safe and fine. You are a good mom.

my 1st was out by 3 weeks and my 2nd by 5 weeks. My mom actually pressured into moving each, claiming they needed the room a crib provided. It was the best decision - we all slept much better. P.S. we don't even have a monitor. Do what is best for you it will be what's best for them .

Do what's right for YOU and your family. I co-slept all my kids and it was great for us. My SILs did Ferber and it was great for them. Every child is different, too, so what's good for one might not be good for the next.