
Are we seriously going to make this about being "SEX POSITIVE" instead of about the muder of Palestinian women and children and how this is blatantly sexualizing the grossness of war? Now watch people come on here and try to defend how these women aren't actually objectifying themselves because "choice" while 3.1



No, I'm dead serious. What are the strides we've made since 1994 that are the issue here? How specifically is an internet article mocking a product that seeks to shame women for the natural way their body looks affecting our progress?

There are no shiny lapel pins awarded for natural childbirth, the breastfeeding olympics, diapering origami, locovore feeding or winning at school roulette.

I read tons of books and took classes on breastfeeding, and was prepared to breastfeed through the toddler years. Then my supply never picked up, my baby lost a dangerous amount of weight, and I was forced to supplement. I spent thousands of dollars on lactation consultants, pump rentals, herbs, and a drug that isn't

Exactly! My pregnancy was trouble free and I only gained 27 pounds. But guess what? My daughter was 10 days late, labor had to be induced and after 18 hours of that crap my doctor gave me a c-section. Unfortunately she lost 8oz overnight and was admitted to NICU with acid reflux. They said that breastmilk would be

Maybe you were lucky and had three very similar pregnancies/kids, but I learned that actually, MUCH depends on the individual child and my will/desire was secondary. Kid one: He hated nursing. I sought help, nothing helped except pumping and giving a bottle. Then pumping became difficult. I got him to 11 months on the

All the determination and information in the world can't contend with certain variables. Claiming that women need more of these things blames and shames mothers, exactly what this post is railing against. Some women, can't breastfeed, it's not out of ignorance or out of a lack of information. For me it was that my

First of all, Paris, Einstein was a Pisces. Secondly, geniuses don't believe in astrology. Super effort, though.

I take offense to being called Dodai unattractive. F.U. article.

If this lackluster Excelmanship is any indication, this is a man who lacks passion.

We didn't get the second bike so that he wouldn't be upset. We got him the second bike so that he wouldn't be excluded, and as something to use while his is being worked on, and even that as an explanation doesn't do the situation justice. And I think it is a teaching moment, just maybe right now, because I'm not

He's the middle child and he's always in his older brother's shadow. If you knew him and knew the exact situation, you'd know that he is not spoiled, and I respect that you assume that we're rich and raising sociopaths, but we're not. For example, he just lost his room because of his little sister and had to move in

Prom (when I'm feeling down) and the one where she hears thoughts...ear shot?

And all Spike episodes...except THAT one.

his right to a well-regulated militia?

oversight ALERT :

"Male nurse sentenced to two years in jail for raping woman's corpse."

Nothing at all, the sluts.

As Cecily mentioned in the interview, a lot of inmates don't have media contacts. It's hard to arrange an interview in Rikers, and she has a large network on the outside who helped me coordinate it — I would have liked to speak to more inmates, but, again, it's very hard to get in touch with someone in Rikers.