Who are we to question Gangnam style?
Who are we to question Gangnam style?
There have been some legal cases won where it was decided a woman may bare her breasts in the same manner as a man since there's no biological difference between them.
Yeah, but you do kind of have to be a woman to be a Raiderette, so the fact that the Raiderettes are paid less fairly than the average stripper while kept to much stricter, 24/7/365 social expectations than, again, the average stripper...kinda a "women's issue."
Private/religious institution, so they can do whatever the fuck they want.
Twice a day? No way, too much water usage, even with a low-flow! So, now I wonder how much of these attitudes are dependent on your geographical location - we're drought-prone so the idea of all of that precious, precious water going down the drain is anathema to me!
Looks kardashian to me.
What the fuck is wrong with Sharon Osbourne? You're a grown-ass woman who can't control your public behavior. This hag needs to sit down.
He was released into the custody of his parents
I love this thread so much! It's both funny and educational!
From the Vanity Fair article:
And now, if Justin Bieber was a decent human fucking being, he would cut a check to the cops. Everyone involved is a moron, but only one moron doesn't make 40k a year and probably has a family to feed.
What a waste. Those cops would have been better off shooting an unarmed mentally ill homeless person; at least then they would have been suspended WITH pay.
I can not in good conscience defend all American foreign policy and actions. But, the most ridiculous thing that can ever happen is for a Brit to cast aspersions about Imperialism. Are you fucking kidding me, "sun nevertheless sets on the British empire"? 1/4 of the world, and even more of it's people? Piss off!!!
Wait, what? Sweden has fjords? When did that happen? Steal them from us, did they? Signed, Confused Norwegian
This is somewhat relevant here: a truly fascinating look by the NYT at how we deal with psychopaths and diagnosing children. There are studies that show you can see signs of psychopathic tendencies in kids as young as 3, but there has also been a general consensus that since we consider psychopathy to be basically an…
I guess I'm gonna be that guy. Sweden has one of the best militaries on the planet, bar none, and better balanced for their needs than the US military, which has 60+ pocket battleships (Arleigh Burke DDG) but forgot how to build a frigate for less than $600M. Their gear is accurate, tough and well-made (we use a lot…
If only we had more good guys with guns...
Wait, so he's supposed to apologize for things that were said by other Jezebel writers before he even worked for the site? He's not "basically" mocking her; he is not mocking her at all. I'm impressed at your ability to be angry at a Jezebel writer for things other Jezebel writers and commenters wrote in the past…
GOOP = POOP thats how i feel about it