
"my monogamy it bothers you"

My mother-in-law is South African and had polio as a child. She's 79 now so I wonder if enough time has gone by that people have forgotten how much of a horrible problem it was? I wonder what is fueling the paranoia there? There needs to be some sort of awareness campaign that features people who have actually lived

The worst thing about anti-vax is this: for every disease that this woman survived (thank goodness), she passed it to many other people including people with suppressed immune systems (AIDS, cancer), infants too young for vaccination, and elders whose vaccines have worn off.

As an autistic and formerly very-sick person, I'd much rather be autistic than very sick. Vaccines for life (hopefully unless they wear out like the tetanus ones), son!

I've had this app for a year, but I had no idea that I could ADD MY OWN CAT. Holy shit. This changes everything. EVERYTHING.

Ok, so I'll be the one to start this.

Dieudonné is obviously just jealous that he's God Given instead of God Chosen.

Heh. Maybe, back in the 70s and 80s, when hair dye was nothing but peroxide, maybe THEN it was harmful. No more.

Fact: Children never carry germs or make hideous noises at night.

I thought her book and the corresponding WSJ articles were fascinating. I also love that she has children and she really did make the educated choices she describes, that are backed up by peer-reviewed research. One of her key points though was not to drink MORE when you are expecting - if you are a teetotaler

Oh gosh, hair dye doesn't harm a fetus. The reason why you shouldn't get your hair dyed (or should think hard about it) when pregnant is because YOU have the weird reaction. Your Changing Body will process the chemicals in the dye different which can (but does not always) end in a color you have been using for years

This photo just reminds me of my wedding rehearsal... I'm 5'3 and was wearing low heels at my wedding (because I changed into flats at the reception and didn't want my dress to be dragging on the ground). My bridesmaids were (are) both very tall women, and were both wearing heels. I hadn't ever thought about it, until

I wish I could like this 1,000 times. I didn't see this comment before I posted mine.

Assuming a mother is partaking of FAS-inducing levels of drinking based on seeing her have a single glass of wine is sort of like assuming someone is a notorious jewel thief because they took a penny from the "take a penny leave a penny" tray at the bodega.

You're husband's surgeon is hopefully not a liver specialist. The average human's liver can fully process a serving of alcohol in 2-4 hours. So theoretically, drinking a single serving of wine (which I do want to point out is only ~4oz- i.e. less than most people pour themselves in a glass) every night while

I always feel they're a minority too - but that's because I live in Dublin, which is definitely the most liberal part of the country. There are plenty of people in the much more rural, conservative parts of the country.

My husband's surgeon told him that having alcohol regularly was not really better than having a big binge once in a while, as the liver never gets a chance to clean itself out. I really don't think that a glass a week counts as regular drinking, though.

They are also incredibly Catholic. My cousins over there are all one of 5, minimum. There is also, at least as my family tells it, a tradition following a path of least resistance. A get on to get along sentiment. I could see how the idea of going to England to get an abortion seems easier than challenging the

I'll check this out for sure, especially for the hair dye data. Since my first child was born, I've switched from strategic plucking to a regular dye schedule to cover greys, and it's hard to imagine letting my roots just grow in for 9 months. Of course, I would do so if it weren't safe, but it's sounding like it's

I am seven weeks pregnant and this is so spot on! I have decided to read it all, not take any of it seriously, and do what I feel is best.