Humidity in Dubai goes up to 100% - and when it does it’s just so vile I can’t even. You stand outside, its like a sauna and then to top it off the wind blows what feels like air straight from a hairdryer on hottest setting in your face.
Humidity in Dubai goes up to 100% - and when it does it’s just so vile I can’t even. You stand outside, its like a sauna and then to top it off the wind blows what feels like air straight from a hairdryer on hottest setting in your face.
Tomorrow the weather man tells me will be 116F, but because of the ridiculous humidity and desert winds it will feel like 147. I’m pregnant now too, so leaving the house apart from the 50 yard sprint to the car, is not an option. I hate it I hate it I hate it.
I have zero empathy with any of you complaining of heat.
It’s a windy road to be fair.
We all have to take sides in the end.
Wasn’t that just a rumour?
I think more than anything for me, he comes off - and I can’t believe Im saying that - as the adult in all of this? Unless Hiddleswift is an actual music video.
After careful consideration, and hour long (coughthreesecondscough) deliberation, I have come to the inevitable conclusion that I’m all:
Whats problematic about problematic?
Agree with everything you say. It’s like authorities that be have decided to treat her as inhumanely as they can imagine while still within some confines of the law. None of it is right.
What’s happened to Chelsea Manning and her treatment post arrest has been a crime against humanity. I do not understand how it’s allowed to stand, and how they’re allowed to continue to treat her that way.
I feel like I’m at the forefront of a resistance movement by not knowing what this things is.
Yeah that’s the thing - if Kristin didn’t come off as someone with a serious case of orthorexia plus a hatred of science (did anyone else read her fucking home made recipe for baby formula made out of goats milk?? It's mental) no one would be worried about those kids. But as things stand....
This has literally never occurred to me until now. I feel as behind when I recently found out that will and jada smith named their kids after themselves.
I didn't show with my first until well into 5 months - but I don't think it'll be the case with number two at all ;-)
I think not knowing their names and stories is part of a larger issue. I remember after Paris reading the stories about so many of those who died - now after Orlando celebrities are reading out everyone’s name, videos are shown on various news outlets, interviews with family members. It makes it more real and personal…
That was my husbands counter argument but I put it down to you guys being really nice and loyal. You just kept giving Harper chances to improve :P
I think everywhere cool has a crazy housing market. Possibly nowhere quite as crazy as Dubai. I don’t understand how economics work here. A decent 3 bedroom house will set you back 1mil USD EASILY. Only what you’ll be paying for is built in absolute shit quality and the value is only going to decrease over the years.…
My husband and I were talking about this the other day actually. We both have Danish citizenship but currently live in Dubai. Dubai is fun - but not a forever place. And we both agreed that the way the world is looking right now, Canada is literally the only country that seems to be heading in the right direction…