
No? It’s a trivial amount of weed and he does puff on it. Let the man enjoy the moment, damn. That’s the great thing about weed, none of that ‘party foul’ culture that alcohol gets. Enjoying the moment, having fun, and being laid back trump any party rules like ‘don’t waste a tiny bit of that.’

“What’s most obnoxious about this clip is how Fey is encouraging people to actively ignore neo-Nazis, by characterizing the protests as “violent” and urging those who might otherwise be encouraged to physically show up to stay at home.”

Mckesson accused filmmakers of mocking him by dressing up one of the apes in a blue vest, which Mckesson is known for wearing.

I see very little difference in blaming mental illness vs blaming “toxic masculinity” - oh, it’s not his fault, it’s <insert mental illness here> / it’s the culture of toxic masculinity. Maybe he’s just an asshole. Maybe the way he acts isn’t his ex-girlfriend’s fault, or his bookie’s fault, or society’s fault, or the

He was powerful by being born into privilege. You don’t end up at PDS any other way, unless you are a crazy talented athlete. It’s comical, odds are this is a bit of limousine liberalism, but we’re so desperate for non-black people to be “Down”, we’ll settle for this.

Neither did whoever came up with that ridiculous, misleading headline. Considering everything else this young man has done, I seriously doubt writing #BlackLivesMatter 100 times is what got him into Stanford. But hey, it did get him the kind of attention any activist would want.

Part of me hopes that Barack and Michelle are quietly renewing their law licenses. That would be one hell of a way to debunk the very prolific conservative myth that they “surrendered” their law licenses because they cheated on the bar.

I wonder if this is a case of two things being equally true, ie - racism and partisan politics. How many times did they investigate Hilary over Benghazi because they didn’t find what they were looking for but were *sure* was there? Mark Levin, the right wing talk show host whose fevered brain was the source of Obama

Lmao you made me spit my coffee out.

I was saying “take a breath” in the context of someone saying “Our country is going to collapse”.

Take a breath. Should he somehow manage to turn this thing around, believe it or not, 4-8 years of a Trump presidency will not signal the end of the country.