
@Settings: Here in the land of Australialand we've axed the 1c and 2c coins for the past 17 or so years. As a result, the coins are now worth dollars, and rounding off at supermarkets can be both a godsend or the world's biggest bitch (read: $2.98 rounding to $3, and having only $2.95 ). :(

@elgranbasio: I don't know the actual term for just seemed broken, sort of. Like stop animation that wasn't smooth or something. I haven't watched the movie in a while so I forget on the specifics.

I drive a fork at work. I get bored easily because there are always long phases I'm doing nothing but forking, and then waiting for pallets to fork.

@rjdub: Backpack? For that?!

@BadJoJo: I loved the broken animation effect.

@Jason Jones: And then the tirade of parents calling for Facebook to be shut down.

@Populoner: Indeed. A one year old being independent is a fucking joke. I was six and my mum still wouldn't do anything whilst I showered - she'd sit on a chair outside the bathroom with a book ready to intervene if trouble ensued.

@Allen750000: It wouldn't have helped in this situation unfortunately. And Facebook games aren't an excuse to leave your child alone in the most dangerous place in the house, a bathtub filled with water.

@Goblin: True. The IBM Thinkpad X20 I have at home still beats my Lenovo X200 by just that tiny bit, but the build on the X200 is nonetheless incredible. I've dropped it and nothing has happened.

@senorbelly: Built in printers?! Now THAT I have never heard of.

He is a mayor...surely he could afford to purchase his own movies!

Meanwhile, I run Gingerbread. And WP7.

150 million in Zimbabwe or Vietnamese currency....sure I'll give him that. I have 150 million of vietnamese notes in my wallet right now actually.

@RestingDatsyuk: Another peeve of mine, on a similar note, is the fact my HD2 keeps being called a 'crap iPhone rip-off'.

@FriedPeeps will kill for a CR-48: Heh, I was thinking along the lines of this. I was a bored uni kid who knows many typical app store fanatics (none of them close - I wouldn't associate my close friends with this rank), so I did this as a bit of a social experiment after receiving criticism for choosing Android due

@FriedPeeps will kill for a CR-48: in reference to your 'someone who made the decision to buy a WP7 phone over an iPhone is suddenly going to buy more apps if Microsoft changes the name to the "app store.'

Marketplace sounds so much cooler, to be honest. I'm not in with all this calling applications 'apps'.