@Settings: No fool, the next best thing to happen this year is the day when I get a girlfriend.
@Settings: No fool, the next best thing to happen this year is the day when I get a girlfriend.
@The Werewolf: I would laugh at them Americans if Verizon switched to 2100. 2100 in Australia is a joke.
@Syntax Error: Until recently I had the ability to triboot WM6.5 and Ubuntu, both of whom were grand operating systems. I gave that up when the NAND hack for Android came out though.
I've had 2.3 Gingerbread for ages. Lies!
@OptimusPrimeX: Sandy Bridge i7 at 5ghz. Imagine that.
What I fear is one day when the Mac App Store will become the only way to install applications on the Mac.
The Daleks are coming.
@bg-dez: They have been developing for ARM with their Windows CE for well into a decade now...
@Mark 2000: Well given the huge impacts of this announcement I do think they'll be stepping up their development of their research projects / MinWin / whatever else they have in stock.
About time I say! I look forward to a day when ARM based laptops become as powerful as x86 ones with significantly better battery life....although that may be a fair while away.
@Master_Soda: It is, but I can't afford a WP7 phone :( and the HD2 WP7 by those Russians ain't out yet either.
...is this the appropriate time to say "Facepalm"?
@RainbowSuspenders: Oh man, that description produces a ridiculously hilarious image.
@DoctorSasquatch: I expanded this thread hoping someone would suggest this idea, but in word form. Instead I get even better: a graphic!
@Rosa Golijan: Out here in Australia, I get too much sun. It's a bit ironic, because I suffer from mild heat sensitivity (sadface) I also get sunburnt within 10 minutes of being outdoors (sadface^2).
@USB_Humping_Dog: With blackjack, and hookers! In fact, forget the blackjack!
No intentional offence to anyone here, but I see a LOT of anti-Microsoft remarks in the comments below.
@verditsgerman: I do often leave my umbrella on the floor and my backpack purposefully sticking out, or more often, on the opposite chair. Hasn't worked so far - think I'll uh, use some string next year :P
@Justin: IT IS SO GOOD. $7.80 gets me a large dish of rice / fried rice + 3 selections. I always go for the greens, potatoes and roast lamb (comes with gravy).
Only 11 days? My Nokia often surpassed a whole month with minimal usage.