@Good news, everyone!: Off to Omicron Persei 8!
@Good news, everyone!: Off to Omicron Persei 8!
@CommodoreRake: Eh. In addition to my HD2 running Android (with a custom font and a black statusbar to make it look less ugly), I still carry a dumbphone around for those emergency calls when my HD2 inevitably runs out of battery.
I don't care, unlike evidently a lot of commenters below, that this discovery of what can't be defined as anything but indeed 'new life', was found on Earth, it could still be the greatest discovery in the history of space biology yet.
@desapar: Hold that idea. It's been a long time since the last time I researched deep space stuff for uni, but you might be onto something.
@Antubis: Yep. All three local flea markets.
...33m tall tree? Wow. That's taller than most trees in my suburb.
@Alexander Riccio: For the lulz I have spent the last hour compressing a 1gb amount using paq8o10t, against the same 1gb amount on another location, in 7zip. On the same computer.
@Alexander Riccio: This paq8o10t thing interests me.
@countjackula: Oh how probable.
I never leave my house without wearing sunscreen these days. After a particularly nasty bout of sunburn in the middle if winter a few months ago...I'm paranoid.
@Tarv: Did someone say lumberjack?
@jawnc: This. When I live alone, locks will never be used, and pants will always be optional.
@snapper.fishes: WHO DIVIDED BY ZERO?
@funkychunky: I'm fine with my laptop, really. That said, I very recently bought a cheapskate $200 Android tablet off mp4nation with 2.2 and a 7" screen.
You know what I've never understood?
@LegacyCrono: I share your sentiments. I was on dialup until just two years ago...the talk of the cloud computing revolution spooked me back then so much that I signed our family up to broadband without actually telling them until the day the first bill came in the mail...
Why is it I cannot find the radio specs of the GSM version anywhere?
Looks like a good challenge. Challenge accepted.
@Hank Scorpio: Oh holy crap, so I am. I just wrote that as "so am I".) For god's sake, I REALLY need more waking power than what that stupid two hour nap gave me.