
@dm123: Well said. I'd even daresay they get more funding now than they did back then, but that's something I do not know about.

@pimas23: Wotcher, mate, you're going to start a meme with that sort of stuff.

I love how he's walking the wrong way...and being slowly but evidently overtaken by Obama.

@EnemaBagJones: I don't even remember anymore how I came across the Groen Brothers, but it was years ago and to this very day I still crack up watching the very same videos over and over when I'm down or bored.

@jiveabillion: I'll put Nokia in your perspective. Traditionally, they've had about a dozen or so phones in market at any one time, often for around the same price and outliers.

@Glaiel-Gamer: I dropped mine off the balcony. After a few horrific repeats of the incident, I grabbed my phone and threw it off myself. It continues to work this day, four years later.

@dblegend: Agreed. I own a HD2 now, and it's a great phone and all, but I often long for a phone that wasn't so annoyingly distracting. Nokia dumbphones are perfect.

@max32: Smartphones aren't banned in my cousin's workplace, you just have to punch the camera out. Security purposes.

@mattj99: I interpreted answer A as exactly that. :D

@thiagohf113: I will not hesitate in joining you. It cannot be anything other than a.

@Sandeep Murali: tl;dr comments would be an insult to your effort, man.

@purgedsoul: I used to have this Nokia brick I would occasionally throw off the balcony and watch it continue to work.

Parents and brother use Nokia phones religiously. Mum uses an e71 mainly because it's easy to use, dad uses an ancient 6288 because he can't be stuffed relearning a new phone, and my brother got a brilliant Nokia something for $50 at the local supermarket.

@RJackson: High-ten for being awesome! I'm typing this from my Androidified HD2 too! :D

In Australia the Nokia market is massive. No matter how crap their latest phones are everyone still flocks for them. When people ask me what dumbphone they should get, I have never hesitated in pointing to a Nokia. When people ask me for a cheap smartphone, no touchscreen, I point them to Nokia without a second

Telstra in Australia switched off our CDMA network way back in 2007 completely. I thought that was an incredibly lame thing to do, given most countryside mobile users were on the CDMA network for its more widespread availability in outback Australia. Telstra replaced everyone with new silly 3G phones marketed "Next

Aw, what? But I just got into Twitter...

@Yochi Ottensooser: It was a hung parliament. A near-perfect 50-50 vote between the two major parties, with a mere 4 seats given to the Greens and the Independents. After three weeks of debating and the Australian public getting fed up, the Independents and the Greens save one decided to form a minority coalition

@Stem_Sell: If you just whipped all that up for the sake of a comment, you need to be hearted by the entire Gawker population and we need to have the 'promote comment to front-page link' feature invented and utilised by popular star-voting.