
I never understood the third rail. It seems so much safer to have overhead wiring like we do. Although I'm not sure if it's that easy to get electrocuted given grounding and all.

Today I discovered the new iPod Touch screen is actually smaller than the screen on my older iPod Touch. By the tiniest bit.

Totally inserting a Scribe paragraph into my essay which I'm writing tomorrow and see how far I get. Oh wait, no I won't.

I've forgotten how long I've been doing it for, but for a long time now I've been able to play music straight off my iPod Touch once I check "Manually manage music and videos" for the device. My iTunes is still the unupdated 9.0.

@Grr, Argh!: You are very correct, sir. I was exaggerating the situation.

Logically this means he can be sued for existing because hell, he can spill trade secrets to his family as much as he likes. Fortunately, this is probably not gonna happen.

@I'm@work,shhhhh.: I can't either. When I do my browser decides I clicked on my own profile link and goes to my profile instead. Even if I zoom to mega-size where the Edit button is bigger than my thumb.

I remember getting a bad stomach cramp after laughing myself stupid at the video of Frooch throwing a one-man W7 launch party.

I find weddings where technology seems almost more important than the ceremony itself quite sad as a whole. Twittering, Facebooking, checking's the big day, can't you leave the world aside for several hours at the very least and celebrate the act?

@Prawn_Star: And this, posted from my Arch Linux laptop. One-upped, ubuntu man. :P

The Pan-American and the Trans-Siberian are the two highways I am looking forward to driving the most as soon as I'm out of uni and able to afford these things.

@schunniky: I can't seem to get the edit button to work, but posted in wrong page. Sorry.

Moderators -

@Andrej Kr: No, they promised $1 billion to improve our internet provided the Labor Party win the election from about a fortnight ago. Given that we have a hung parliament right now (where neither of the big two parties have enough seats to form government), we've got no official parliament, and negotiations are

I wish Samsung would change their logo. It feels so generic and plain.

@echo off: The definite way to spell aluminium. Three cheers for British English! I honestly don't get "aluminum". And right now, my Firefox is giving me the red line for aluminium.

I continue to like the stock keyboard, and I continue to dislike the HTC keyboard, as well as all the alternative keyboards found on the Market. For some reason whilst my Android friends cannot use the stock keyboard without going up the roof, I can type on it faster than I can on the iPhone keyboard...which is odd.

@eyjafjallajökull: Launching profit meme = being a jerk. I read the commenting FAQ shortly after noticing the alert thing. Bah, thanks dude. I've learnt my lesson.