If you don’t know how to do this, you don’t deserve to drive a stick shift.
If you don’t know how to do this, you don’t deserve to drive a stick shift.
Regarding this:
use the umm, ratios, because math, but also witchcraft, torques.. uh, they turn into like brake, but uh, not like brakes, and ... the cars slows down, there!
Ten miles an hour under the speed limit is probably still too fast, at least if you're on a truly snowy road that's not a residential street. As someone who made it back from Illinois on Sunday night (what is normally a 3-hour drive took 5), there were very few points on the trip that I could even go 10 under safely.
Good shit. I always remember the very first winter-driving lesson I got from my dad. He took me out to an iced-over parking lot and had me try to run around on it, telling me to turn or stop here and there. It resulted in my falling down and flailing around like a jackass.
I hate to say it, because it seems so obvious, but also to drive with your lights on, i can't tell how many times when its raining/snowing and people are driving around with no lights 0n. its less about headlights, and more about the tail lights and person behind you being able to see you.