
And yet, Superbad is still the best thing he’s done.

No, it really shouldn’t be my employer’s problem. I’m an adult, not a 7 year old. I don’t need or want mommy and daddy making sure I’m okay.

does it matter if this person believes it ends life so long as they are not trying to take the choice away from women?

Nope. That’s why I have savings and plan for the future.

You’re an idiot.

You’re an idiot.

So if I get a whole bunch of assholes to protest these dickhats’ churches, can I get a bill signed that forbids a church to be within a certain radius of a school?

You’re an idiot.

Or you could just leave him alone. Since, ya know, he’s a private citizen who hasn’t asked for attention alone.

Because there’s exactly one reason to be “uncomfortable” with abortion: you believe it ends a human life.

No, fuckstick. Being “uncomfortable” with a violent act but thinking other people have the right to perform one is stupid.

It really doesn’t matter WHY you want “an option for some extended time off.”

Problem solved. Stop whining like a 3 year old.

If she would just recognize that ALL workers in this country need some “me time” I think she’s got something.

Which is as it should be.

Unless you’re going to spin the cloth yourself from wool you sheered off the sheep you raised in your back yard, you’re going to need capitalism to get that shirt.

You’re a uniquely stupid person.

Parenting isn’t for everybody, but if you think what you described there is the sum total of the experience, you’re kind of an imbecile.

If you don’t want to have kids, don’t have kids. That’s your business and nobody else’s.

.it’s a fucking medically necessary intense experience.