
If it were ‘required by Intel’ then all Macs with intel CPUs would have to have them too. But they don’t. So they aren’t. Required.

you’re pissed about a sticker?

“And removing the stickers is annoying”

“removing the stickers is annoying and sometimes discolors the surface. “

Sounds like you haven’t bought a computer in 10 years.

You do know that the MacBook is made in China, right? Oh, they might move to India because, you know, pay and conditions are too good in the Suzhou factories now.

It takes less time to remove them than it took you to write that all-cap comment.

Can’t tell if you’re being cheeky or just straight up ignorant of where your precious MacBooks (and most computers) are manufactured.

Then you probably shouldn’t buy Apple either considering most of their products are made in China as well. Hell even the apartments most of the Apple workers occupied in China had suicide nets on the windows because of the poor work conditions.

Can’t tell whether an iWhore or a xenophobic Trump-fan.

First off, lisa frank was the shit in 5th grade. Secondly, Intel knocks some cash off the cost of their cpus if you include the sticker. Apple decided it would be better to have a higher price tag and no sticker, but Huawei and everyone else is doing you a favor by letting intel pay for an advertisement you can scrape

Ever since I drilled my own headphone jack, it won’t work right.