
You must own one.

Sometimes crashes are largely unavoidable...

That was the most dangerous move possible, especially at a blind corner. He should have followed the marshal’s point instead of taking off on his own. And before anyone else asks, yes, I am a corner marshal, and yes I have discussed it with some of the workers who were at the race.


What a shit world we live in when the guy who wasn’t at fault in that wreck thinks he needs to put his hands behind his head just so he doesn’t get shot.

IOC spokesman (pictured); ‘ didn’t happen, everything’s fine.’

It’s not the implementation, it’s the driving public. Minnesota drivers are almost always stupid and can’t seem to fathom the concept. Much like these dipshits forget that it snows in this state and the first sign of it causes 4835730429573428967 accidents in the first 10 minutes. Or in spring, when it’s been 60, but

I agree with you on everything other than calling King hypocritical and disingenuous. If she’s clean and knows she’s always been clean and is able to compete at a high level, it sounds to me like she’s just tired of the cheating, whether it’s known or just speculation.

King didn’t call out anyone by name, the reporters did. And even if she did, if she’s swimming clean then she’s neither hypocritical nor disingenuous.

That's three questions, dumbass.

“She knows damn well that the only difference between her & her teammates versus the “cheaters,” is the sophistication and resources her coaches and trainers have, that others don’t.”

You don’t know what “hypocritical” means, or you forgot to write “might be”.

How is Lilly King “hypocritical” or “disingenuous” if she swims clean and agrees that Justin Gatlin deserves a permanent ban? Try blowing the dust off a dictionary and read the definitions of those two words. She may be naive, and if you want to call her an asshole, fine, your opinion... but the rest of your judgment

Damn pidgeys.

Wow, dude.

It’s a Facebook Live video, which films in the same aspect ratio no mater which way you hold the camera. It’s one aspect of Facebook Live video that absolutely sucks.

The shooter was not Malcolm X. He was a citizen who legally purchased high caliber firearms with hatred in his heart for what he perceived to be an unjust, corrupt government, along with racial animus. Pretty much aligns with right wing idealogy, just his target was different. The difference in target doesn’t make it

So, to you, white is “right-wing” and black is “left-wing”. The black guy who says “fuck government, I’ve got my gun!” is different from the white guy (you) who says “fuck government, I’ve got my gun!”. For only one reason.

So black=left, white=right, and that’s the difference between the two ideologies?

It looks like that is what Rob expected, full insurance. The shop decided to save the extra bucks.