
You've clearly never checked my basement.

The impressive quality of the high school production aside, if you're that threatened by a high school production, on some deep, subconcious level, you know what you're believing in is total bullshit.

Sums up the climate change brouhaha as well, only add in an unhealthy dose of economic and corporate special interest as well.

I was hopeful that a class in broadcast journalism might actually tackle this issue an ethical and balanced manner. Sadly, it was clear from what I read that these students were being taught to report on questions of vaccine safety in the same one-sided manner the mainstream media has for years....

"It was all social controversy. There was no science controversy," said Allison DeGour, who will be a senior this fall.

Obviously these students have already been turned by the lizard people's poisonous chemtrails.

Watch these students use this one WEIRD TRICK to promote vaccinations! Anti-Vaxxers HATE them!

I challenge you with(Paraphrasing): "23 years without a polio case in the US and I don't understand why we still give to children. It is beyond me"

Dude, I have this cream I put on my dick that TOTALLY works! I grew two inches in a month! I can send you a batch, I just need your social security number and a credit card number for my cousin, the Prince of Nigeria.

What's really dumb is when you go on the internet and see that 99% of the evidence there points towards vaccines being a good thing. So they're kinda shooting themselves in the foot.

My compliments to these young people for doing their research and forming their own opinions. Additionally, my compliments to the parents and faculty who encouraged them, advised them, and when appropriate, protected them.

My favorite quote: "available on the Internet to challenge". Yes, if there is any source of information that can challenge real scientific research, it's the bastion of truth, the internet.

Bravo, young people!

I guess you missed the third guy in the middle.

Neither one of these are worth a shit. I can see these guys plain as day. Back to the drawing board!


Better actor than Kristen Stewart...

That snake is much more committed to the role than the otter.

"or the server just acknowledges that 3% of the total sale is out the door, including 3% of their tip."