South America is not in Africa fyi.
South America is not in Africa fyi.
They're truly relentless with the on screen depiction of camera phones!
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate demo.
But YOU are not nintendo. So the difference to you is a few dollars, not millions. Be reasonable.
Nintendo may say it's not passing along charges to the consumer or that it's saving the consumer money. Actually, Nintendo is saving Nintendo money. Nintendo is thinking about what's best for Nintendo.
But... it's the plug that powers the hardware. You need it. More unsettling was the fact that the 3DS XL was sold in North America with an AC adapter. That's the sticking point that makes Nintendo's current claims ring false: In the past, it's included an AC adapter, so why stop?
If that's your attention span, this just isn't the series for you.
I didn't find it so offensive on the japanese one, but whoever was tasked with getting the text on there saw the text was longer and just went ahead and bumped it right on over to the side.
It looks like it was mainly because they added more buttons up there. Anyway I would think it's way more likely to accidentally eject in the new position.
It's been my most anticipated of 2015, 2014, 2013...
where are you seeing that?
So close! with the centering of the logo...
You waited 3 years to play a starfox remake???
It's much more acceptable in 2015 than ever. In 2009 when the DSi launched it wouldn't have been acceptable. 200 million+ chargers later... unwelcome but acceptable.
Try 2009.
Jeremy Parish has a good article on that topic today on US Gamer.
If smash is any indication, then no.
Both are enhanced for new 3DS.
I think nintendo learned from their mistake of trying to sell a handheld for $249.
It's funny because your comment in no way sounds like it was composed by an adult. Why would an adult spend they're time trying to convince people OS X is for children, anyway?