Dobis P.R.

It is new, and this article is new so.... ?

What's 10k when you're making 325m?

REMEMBER: According to a new study by, the US ranks an embarrassing 31st in the world in terms of average download speeds. At 20.77 megabits per second (Mbps), America falls behind countries like Estonia, Hungary, and Uruguay.

I only had time to read the first word ヽ( ・ิ∀・ิ )ノ


Monster Hunter, Smash Bros. and Fantasy Life are surely better than Dream Team. That game was abysmal.

I don't get that train of thought - in what scenario would the last-gen version be superior??

It's a Hori product. They make decent stuff, but not at the same level as nintendo.

Official in what sense?

You guys run probably the most well known gaming site on the planet.

Cool. I really want to start playing it again (played a bit at 15 FPS on a laptop) but I never hear anyone talking about it here even though it looks like it's by far the best game on PS4 right now.

A console is a big, long-term investment. You're looking at it within the scope of 1-2 weeks (about how far away SO is now). Once you see what Naughty Dog, Tokyo, and Santa Monica have in store you'll have surely changed your tune.

I really don't get the continued enthusiasm for Halo. When 2 of the last 3 games in a series are re-releases, you have to start thinking it's time to let it go. And Halo 4 didn't exactly set the world on fire either. It's the only game in the series I felt no reason to finish.

That doesn't sound right for the last generation. DS probably had a greater, and better selection. JRPG's are very much my jam and I didn't really find anything worthwhile at all on PS3, considering Square whiffed on basically every attempt.

Is the difference just graphics?

PS3 generation must have been rough on you!

Kotaku has itself characterized Unity as a disaster, and Black Flag can be easily found for no more than $20 so that would be a pretty poor basis for a (still) substantial purchase.

No, it's got none. Child of Light is neither a JRPG nor is it anywhere in the same league as a Final Fantasy or a Xenoblade.

You keep coming back to the topic of the price of the console, but it feels like we're in an era where the price of computer hardware is almost a non-factor. When you look at $50 in the context of a 5-6 year investment in a platform with proprietary software, near-mandatory subscription fees, and frankly insane

Was it the subheading "Follow Us and Start Shopping Now" that tipped you off?

Was it the subheading "Follow Us and Start Shopping Now" that tipped you off?