Dobis P.R.

It is indeed, and if you watch the price on it, you can find it fairly frequently for less the $20.

Their gaming divisions are making platform agnostic apps? That's the topic.

for your controller

wii u pro controller is as close to perfect as a controller's ever going to get

Remember the gamecube?

It's 100% about making it faster. It was 20 seconds, now it will be 10.

It was 20 seconds, now it's going to be 10 seconds. It's not about it being "hard", it's about the user experience. Miiverse on the 3DS is just slow enough to discourage me from using it half the time, for example.

Try playing ridiculous fishing. Or device 6. Or cut the rope. Don't try any game that's been ported from a d-pad or analogue control scheme. That always works for me.

I don't see Sony or Microsoft doing anything meaningful in that space. And they're doing OK.

You do know that playing offline disables unavoidable PVP and not just avoidable coop?

aka sub-boss

$39 new, sells for $22 used

1st result

Well, don't be surprised if you start seeing more $60 games on Steam. And this time a year ago I remember Alien Colonial Marines was $50 on Steam. People bought it (not many, I hope). They're $50 is gone - and they're never playing that game again - it's dreadful. If you bought it on the 360, at least you could


If you love Halo you should be paying attention to Destiny. Halo was passed to another development studio - and it shows.

And the games you're talking about (with native controller support) are all ports of console games. Which you can play comfortably on a TV with a wireless controller for a $150 investment in, say, a PS3.

As it should be. They aren't getting your money from the console purchase. They get it from game licensing fees, proprietary accessories, and monthly "online" fee - none of which exist on a PC.

Easy! no,no,no,no,no,no and no!

As a regular visitor to cheapassgamer, I've never seen a gap as big as $50 to $12.50 on any game ever. If a game is $12.50 on steam, you can generally find it for $20 on console, then you can sell it for $15 down the road, making it more like $5.