That's interesting. I found the the Vita's controls, particularly the analogue "sticks" to be irredeemably bad. I only spent a short time with it though. I'll have to give it another go, but that's been the main factor for not buying one.
That's interesting. I found the the Vita's controls, particularly the analogue "sticks" to be irredeemably bad. I only spent a short time with it though. I'll have to give it another go, but that's been the main factor for not buying one.
While plans for an Xbox 360 version have been shelved for now, Futatsugi admits there's no telling what will come down the line. He did say that if Crimson Dragon sells well, he'd like to maybe make an RPG in the same world setting next.
That's the first time I've ever heard anyone say the 3DS d-pad and analogue slider are of "poor build quality". My XL is rock solid except for the hinge which has a little play. In fact I would say that the controls are the best nintendo has built into a handheld, if only by a little.
Seems like Square should be doing all they can to distance themselves from 13. You know, instead of cranking the battle theme from 13 throughout the whole trailer.
Seems like you should be ELATED considering Wonderful 101 just came out 1 day ago.
sprayed jyncos... HAVE A STAR GOOD MAN!
So what were the teams that have games shipping in less than two months using?
It's not coming to PS4 so that will be an interminable wait.
Bayonetta? Are you... sure about that one?
Largely they were right. It's true it sold well (thanks to a broadening market) but the 3rd party was a wasteland and even Nintendo wasn't making games for it in its last 2 years. Compare that to the release schedule for the PS3 for it's end of life.
A lot of comments with people saying they played Mortal Kombat when they were kids and were not affected. This is not surprising because Mortal Kombat plays out on the level of a cartoon.
The services may have improved but it's (afaik) still up to the developers to keep the patches under control. Even experienced PS3 developers like Insomniac were making hours long downloads for their games. And that was on top of enormous installs sputtering off the 5x blu ray drive.
good time to be a zelda fan right now with remake and sequel of best and 2nd best this fall!
Nothing about it feels right, especially comparing RDR to GTA4 map.
It is so weird that this is getting unanimous (well, 20 minutes worth as of writing) praise for cutting cost, while selling for the same price, whereas Nintendo announced the same thing just days ago, except they are passing on pretty significant saving to the consumer ($40). And that was considered mockable to the…
It will be interesting to watch, for sure. But it's a little disingenuous to call Rockstar "absolutely evergreen" when their last 2 titles saw the dissolution of one game studio, and way below expectation sales on another:
The clickiness is fine. The sharp edges, fluffy, wobbly shoulder buttons, superglued togerther d-pad and silly-small thumbsticks are sticking points for me. 15 years of making (usually pretty decent) controllers and this was the best they could manage?
I do hope they did something with the buttons. They are shockingly bad. That's the only thing keeping me from buying a vita.
In the context of an 8 year console cycle, it's pretty much days. Weeks if you want to be picky. And I do think you're misrepresenting the number of people that are willing to keep investing in their old consoles. I think many will sell, and many will discontinue buying games for their old systems. Why is it that…