
Not if you were in a hurry, though.

Pictured: Trump figuratively and literally Heismaning African Americans.

LOL competitive ACC games at Boston College:

His luggage is where he keeps his marbles

Listen man, that seems like it should be important. But clowns luring kids into the woods with large amounts of money will be like the shark attacks of summer 2001: no one will give a shit in the future. Because like those planes crashing into the twin towers, the taco truck invasion will destroy our national psyche.

Aaaaaand the coffee mug on his desk is a pill bottle.

This is good Kinja.

If this pundit’s taco-ridden nightmare scenario comes true, this country will be an even better place to get drunk. Just picture being able to brownbag some tallboys and go on a taco-crawl pretty much anywhere.

If dude hates his own “dominant culture” so much, why doesn’t he get the fuck out?


Jennifer Lopez approves that message.

Okay, bear with me. The explanation is a little complicated. Prepare yourself....

I’m reasonably certain he also owns a hotel

All these comments and no one mentioned the ... thing ... hanging over the reception?

FO SHO. The NYT wedding writers are stone cold satirists. Major shade.

My dad’s older brother was killed in very similar circumstances back in the mid-60s - he was on his little bicycle, rode out between two parked cars. A young man who was late to his first date with a local girl was speeding through the neighborhood and hit him. He was killed almost instantly. He was five or six at the

Oh, I am sure he will take care of that for her since she will be “nauseous” again if she has to spend the money on it.

It’s like Halle said “You know my movie The Call? Let’s just do that again but this time not have me sitting on the phone for most of the movie. Also, nobody cares if some basic girl like Abigail Breslin is kidnapped, so let’s make it a younger, cute as hell boy. He can be my kid so I have more opportunities to scream

So her son gets kidnapped and she just straight-up murders a bunch of other innocent people just driving to work by causing massive car accidents?