
As a farmer, I invite anyone who thinks farmers don’t think about the science behind climate change or any other science for that fact to please come visit me in Iowa, and I’ll show you just how much science goes into just one day of our planning not to mention a whole year.

This is sick. Even if it was a joke video and it doesn’t tie into the missing persons case it’s still terrible to joke about something like having a young girl tied up in your basement.

I live around Omaha, and it’s still a sight to see every time they put the pool in. I used to work at the Century Link Center where this is held, and the pool being built was by far one of the most amazing transformations I ever got to see the arena undergo. It takes a week or so from start to finish.

I just find it funny how people on the east coast in big cities marvel at these machines and here in the Midwest, it's normal for us to just walk outside and jump in a tractor and go blade our own snow instead of waiting for county workers to do it. Just shows differences in life style. XD