
Shorts imply unprofessionalism the same way an adult diaper implies incontinence.

Such a terrible take. Spend all day lugging computers and shit all around a university campus in 105 degree heat and then tell me not to wear shorts. Fuck fashion.

I concur!

I know what I’m showing up in tomorrow.

This article gets written every year by the same 3 hack writers. Who gives a shit what someone else wears to work? My CEO testified in front of congress wearing jeans, a t-shirt and a hoodie. He came back to the office that afternoon and decreed the dress code officially dead, and we all cheered and started coming in

We all have our own offices, where we work all day on computers, behind a door that less than 20 people in the zip code have clearance to get past without a prior arranged escort. There are no surprise customer visits, and there are no surprise executive visits. I know exactly who I’m going to run into. Explain to me

If shorts are good enough to save someone’s life or lift heavy boxes, they are good enough to attend a powerpoint presentation meeting and say things like touch base, run it up the flag pole and circle back

Uh no. Dress codes need to die a quick death, for pretty much ANY position. Workers should be able to remain comfortable and covered within laws, but anything outside of that should be no business of the employer.

Pants=sweat in pretty much all of our offices. I wear lightweight pants and still spend most of my day on

Wow. Snobby.