
And if you've ever experienced these "micro-sleeps" at work or while driving it goes pretty much like that. Scary when you wake and realize you just blacked out for a second or two.

Yes, truly a monster. And who's gonna dig down in that glass to get out the dried milk when the time comes? Papi, that's who!

True, but I also think they accurately portrayed the petty gossip and jealousy that breeds in these elder communities too. My mom once told me that the people over in Bldg B were a bunch of snobs, not like the people in Bldg A where she lived. Yikes! I remember Seinfeld did an episode on this very dynamic where

Agree, I assumed it was an "act" as they passed the surveillance guy. Smile, look normal, not like crazy people rushing down the street to save a dying kid. The question though is how do they explain their presence at Pascha's house when they get there? Thanks for coming, you saved Pascha's life, but hmm, how did

Agree. It was set up to make you think Elizabeth was going to say something nice and a human mother, and instead you get the cunning,unfeeling practicality of "you need to wear this until he's gone". I actually gasped, "oh man, what a bitch" when she said that with a smirk.

It's the lines they give her. Sometimes they're so…obvious? not sure of the right word for it in literature; e.g., "Does it make you sad that Gabriel is leaving". Um, well no S we're sad, jeeze. Or "He was like a parent to you, huh?" Again, wouldn't a smart, thoughtful, teenager know this by the glances and smiles

And when Francesca told Jimmy the "M" was a little crooked, he seemed perfectly fine with that. Great little smirk on his face.

My assumption was that without Jimmy being so obvious in eyeballing the courier, Gus would have picked up the bag somehow during his sweeping. But Gus and the courier must have a particular "sign" worked out that let the courier know to just pick up the bag and leave. Maybe Gus sweeps left, then goes to the trash

The gas cap switcheroo also reminded me a bit of Mike MO used in getting the embezzlers in Season 1 to take the luminescent dusted money into their house. Later, Mike tracked it's whereabouts with his black light on a late night visit. In both cases he makes the target leave the breadcrumb trail for him to follow.

Question about the number of trackers. Were there 2 that Gus' hirelings planted? One in each of Mike's cars (the Caprice station wagon in the desert and his Chrysler at home)? and then Mike purchased and replaced the Chrysler one with his own (a 3rd tracker) Wouldn't they become suspicious that the station wagon

Ah…good point.

Okay, but how does he "guarantee" that by asking Ernesto to insert the batteries, Ernesto will accidentally hit the tape button and hear the part with Jimmy's voice. Seems like too many variables to be a well thought out "plan" by super devious Chuck. Just wondering…

I kept wondering. Most, if not all of these documents are probably in a computer database. Comparing the native file with the altered hardcopy would reveal someone tampered with it. Very easy then to figure out Jimmy had access and motive and clearly is the guilty party. Maybe that's what next week's episode