Russell Strand

What era do you percieve as the most beautiful design wise? Least?

Kia Optima wants its Runk back

The rear end is pure Kia, the front is Porsche 918. Really, really uninspired hatchback here. I am so not looking forward to a new wave of smug, white, self absorbed web designers willfully breaking traffic laws around me under the planet saving guise. What a racket

Among its high performance capabilities, it’s freakin’ adorable!!

That’s just awful proportions right there, the rear axle needs to be like five inches aft for it to make sense, it looks like a big hatch with a trunk tacked on. It also follows the Japanese luxury brand trend of having a side that looks like it’s been caved in. I’m glad this isn’t hitting the road, it’s a design

still have it?

Miatas have never been about lineage, as the first gen was a reliable facsimile of an early Lotus Elan. The current gen reaches far further into postwar British roadster design obscura, as it is a fairly close effigy of the Arnold-Bristol roadster. Has anyone else noticed this resemblance?

This is a glimpse into how the actual car enthusiasts involved think. It would be a fun bonus while owning an extremely inexpensive to fuel torque monster.