
I got to see Songs:Ohia shortly after Magnolia Electric Co. came out, 2002 or so. It was great! Even got to pee in the urinal next to Jason Molina.


Used to love the Little Cesar's that was INSIDE A KMART when I was a kid.

Thanks again, Advertising. This is why we have Trump and smokers and rampant obesity. Ugh.

I kept watching Family Guy up til a few years ago. I wasn't really entertained by it anymore but there was not much on hulu in the early days. I haven't seen the past 3 or 4 seasons and I don't think I'm missing out. I do think it is smarter than most people give it credit for, or at least was at a certain point. I

Yea and that phony-ass Fox voiceover guy is so fucking sleazy and irritating

The original BBC version of Kitchen Nightmares is actually quite good. It doesn't have much of the over-the-top anger and freaking out and engineered conflicts. It has more of a travelogue feel and shows Ramsey just legitimately trying to help failing restaurants.

Not to mention he has a history with the show and is a fantastic sketch performer

Does Bob Odenkirk live in NYC? He's the king of barely contained simmering rage that I think a portrayal of Bannon would need

With Rabin on the jerkey. If I'm eating jerkey and I'm not in the car it doesn't taste right.

But, but… Botch had a gong…

I always was most partial to drowningman and boysetsfire during that time. Saetia's alright but their vocalist is one of the worst. I thought about them while driving around a few months ago and I thought oh boy that will be a fun walk down memory lane. When the vocals came in I burst out laughing. Not at all what I

I think it has to do with their short lifespan and the relative difficulty of finding their records. Their legend started to grow as Napster made it easier to find whatever music you wanted.
You could be chatting with your friends on AIM and say "wassup?" and they say "wassup?" and you say "wassssuuuuup?" and

Bohemian Rhapsody

"“I’m sure the shows were great,” says Cahoon. “But my friends and I always joked that a Neutral Milk Hotel reunion show would be the most obnoxious show ever. Thousand of young people shouting along to every word so loudly that you couldn’t hear the band.”

Which is ironic considering how much this guy loves talking heads

Life During Wartime

The correct answer to this question will always be The Truman Show. So much potential subtext that they don't even try a little bit to sneak in.

Dolly Parton, You're The Only One

The mountain goats "the best ever death metal band in Denton"