
Why do we keep digging around the Trumps for evidence of things that are right in front of our faces? She’s the third wife of a wealthy, famous man with a history of infidelity and sexual abuse. Of course she’s a cynical, social-climbing phony.

That Jezebel keeps giving this lying white woman attention, now of all times, is profoundly disappointing. 

YEP. I have run afoul of these people too. I am an ardent, non-TERF feminist. I know who I am. I also know that malignant narcissism isn’t gender-bound. “Believe women” should mean “listen and hear and weigh with compassion,” not “Yeah she’s got ovaries, we’re good.”

I don’t disagree that class is an issue. I don’t disagree that there are no perfect victims. I don’t even disagree that she has lived a hard and sad life.

An awful lot of women grew up poor, didn’t have advantages, were treated poorly by employers, may have been in abusive relationships, and didn’t lie about being sexually assaulted by a US Senator.

You know, I can understand how, at first glance, the NYT piece can read as classist.

I don’t get the snark. They weren’t glued down or encased in clear resin as some kind of permanent art installation. This was a temporary display that was meant to communicate to the public that “thousands of masks have been sent to New York from around the country— made with love.” This is as a visual representation

I’d still much rather see that and listen to Cuomo and his art project than see and listen to Trump’s crap. 

Impeachment was always going to end in acquittal, and an acquittal was always going to offer the president the cover of claiming exoneration, which was always going to be helpful to his reelection effort. This was always how it was going to end. As for hurting Biden, I’m not sure how you’re reasonably going to lay

They have a strange brand of ‘morals’. Calling women ‘dogs’ and ‘pigs’, cheating on all your wives - sometimes with porn stars - making sexual comments about your own daughters, walking in on underaged girls, mocking gold-star families, calling Mexican people rapists, making childish names up for people and

He needs to gtfo of this primary, but that is a beautiful answer. Still don’t like him, but respect the shade

oh, well I’d imagine those are the same folks that have been critical of Omar since she announced she was running.  Haters gonna hate, no matter what ...

I'm like 50% sure at this point that Bloomberg is running simply to troll the shit out of Trump. 

I am LOVING his spite campaign.

Yet it was Democrats’ constitutional duty to hold a criminal president accountable. She was against impeachment from the start, because of course this is where it would end up. But their hands were forced by the oaths they swore, unlike the GOP whose only concern is keeping and maintaining power, country be damned.

I like Nancy Pelosi ripping up the speech; as others have noted, it’s a small gesture to keep the Democratic base reminded of how much of a shit 45* is.

Hilarious that he’s super willing to shake hands with Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin but Nancy Pelosi is a bridge too far. Such a good and strong president who’s not at all petty or childish.

Trump not shaking hands with Pelosi didn’t surprise. You knew he was going to go low road with something. Cheap move by a little man.

Ms. Omar has good Twitter game. And seriously, brava to Pelosi for using her white lady privilege to throw shade. No one in the squad would be permitted to do the same without being absolutely vilified.

No, Pelosi’s move will not unite the nation but it activated her base. This is what Democrats need right now because Trump went all out tonight. Hate to admit it but Trump delivered a show for his base today. Scholarship! Reunion! Medal! Space! He was like a circus director and his base ate his lies up. The events of