But don’t people of color all around the world try to “transcend their race” by using chemical straighteners, dyes and weaves in their hair? And the insanely massive markets or skin whiteners?
But don’t people of color all around the world try to “transcend their race” by using chemical straighteners, dyes and weaves in their hair? And the insanely massive markets or skin whiteners?
I’ve seen several people way this is the embodiment of white privilege. Yet if she lived as a black woman, she’d be subject to all of the discrimination, disenfranchisement, etc that most other black women face. And she was clearly committed to it, not backing out to be a part-time white woman.
Yeah, but Ashanti was in a market oversaturated with young African American pop/r&ab artists in their late teens-early 20s. Examples: Brandy, Monica, Mya, Aaliyah ... And I think I am forgetting at least one or two more. Heck, these talented ladies were even doing collaborations with each other (“the boy is mine”…
I can’t really speak for Saints Row, but Mass Effect would definitely be up their alley. The “open world” aspect is fairly contained and the game is quite focused.
I was just thinking that this morning. I thought, “I’m surprised there wasn’t a disgruntled former employee leaking things ages ago.” Bravo for keeping a lid on this as well as they have!
She’s not entirely wrong here, folks.
Wouldn’t the women and children who were walking be exposed to a much larger scale of road rage, cursing and bad behavior from the drivers they pass than if they were in their own vehicle?
It said his visa was revoked, but it also said, “[he] failed to reapply.” That insinuates that it perhaps expired. Assuming that is true (or it was yanked for some other easily-rectifiable, innocuous reason), he could have stayed in the country with his children and business opportunities here. Instead, he opted to…
It’s only wrong if you’re Cathloic. Not many faiths subscribe to Catholic dogma.
Catholicism isn’t the only form of Christianity out there. So yes, virgin birth is correct if you follow the dogma of most Protestant faiths.
I think I may to be the only person on this planet who has always thought Mr. Rogers was a wee bit skeevy. I mean, even back when I was still grasping the concept of “stranger danger.”
This kind of reminds me of Kenzie, circa season 2 of Lost Girl.
Killer shoes.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't she chock full of hormones when they conceived North because she was going to store her eggs along with Khloe?
Fire the dumbass human owner for using stupid fucking auto-focus.
It's her choice of lipstick color ("Mostunflatteringcolorevar" by Wet 'n Wild) combined with her I-seem-a-little-insecure-so-I'll-have-my-hair-in-my-face-as-I-hunch-over stance.
Why? Aren't 17 year olds their target market? Who in the industry could provide better insight than a 17 year old professional singer/song-writer?
Setting: home, on my iPad.
That's what confuses me... why Tampa and Orlando but not Chicago? Both coasts are covered but absolutely nothing in the middle of the country?