Schmoopie4: The Long Road Back.

This really opened my eyes, I never realized that there was so much support for the Jewish people from the Islamic community.


Thi$ “article” i$ the epitome of the current “fake new$” corporate American media..

Break out the purity tests, Maher must take one immediately. If he fails, as I suspect he will, he must be made to OBEY.

No, he is self aware in his liberalism, what you are pearl-clutching over is the fact that Maher criticizes other groups than just U.S. Republicans.

Wikileaks really Fuck3d everything up when they outed CNN, by proving that CNN was colluding with the DNC..

Probably should have picked a long-time political diplomat over a campaign donor for France. I mean it’s fricken France. Morocco or Luxembourg would be better destinations for campaign donors.

It’s probably written and edited using iPhones, while they are drinking coffee at a Park Avenue Starbucks.

Hamno doesn’t mean it, it is his job to troll people for click$

Lol, this one is too obvious..

Agree with your point on the hypocrisy of Trump’s stance on leaking inside info. (+1)

What am I missing? Why are you claiming that California should have roughly 40% of the elector count?

I’m looking forward to it, just think of all the pop-media fodder this will create.. 

Their editorial $taff are probably waiting until click profit$ can be maximized for the optimal view/comment metric..

Dude would’ve been a 5 star general already if he were born white.

As a Nazi himself, Michael felt it was a conflict of interest.

Thank you Becky, your privileged upper class perspective is so greatly appreciated. Please drop some more truth-bombs on the common folk.

No way bruh, we are here to RAAAGGGGEE!!!!!!

Thank god for the celebrities.

I’m going to play it safe and say that I hate everything she makes and that it is all complete crap.