You’re welcome. I am nothing if not civil.
You’re welcome. I am nothing if not civil.
I’ve always been intrigued by the people who rush to Mixon’s defense on these posts.. they don’t seem like the usual MRA neckbeards
Lmao, these website’s are founded on pointing out white people’s bigotry, but only white people’s, when the Migos do the same shit they get apologist posts like this author’s, and yours..
They are no longer communist, they are now a deeply corrupt totalitarian capitalist society!
Sweep, sweep, sweep.
“to make sure we all don’t end up in the fields picking cotton by next month”
Counterpoint: Yes.
Lol, you heard it here first!! Independents unite!!
Bernie Sanders/Rand Paul 2020
Why take a dump on this post? He seems like the kind of cop that should be used as an example for the ideal police officer.
I think it is when “the media” calls it workplace violence or a self-hating gay man terror that he was probably referencing.
It’s just easier to call everyone a Nazi. If we say it enough, people will start to beleive it.
It is ironic is that politics have permeated so deep into everything (thanks media) that we are now seeing people jump on the anti-patriot bandwagon to prove to others that they are against Drumpf.
Gaga > Beyonce
1. McCarthy
Yeah why can’t everyone be as nice/decent/respectful as we all are?!?!
I’m already rooting for ATL, but..
It’s whatever gets the clicks Johnny!!
Dank meme bro
Lol, translation: Ignore this story!!