Yeah, we really got them good.
Yeah, we really got them good.
Umm.. ok.
It is the height of irony that you dismissed my reply to you in the comment section of a blog post that calls for censorship of some asshole author!!
Milo is the right’s version of a whiny “SJW”.
Goes against the gawkmodo mission statement of edgy (mostly) fake news.
Hey WTF!! Jezebel is only a gossip site, that just happens to be nearly identical to Gawker, that other gossip site that was sued out of existence. (Wasn’t our fault, trust me)
Course 101 : manspreading
Wait, what percentage of people actually beleive reality shows are in fact, reality?
Unions just are not as sexy a cause.
They are basically just being huge babies back at us.
He’s right, he is being a baby, but he is right.
In a perfect world the police would be able to fix everyone’s problems and there would be no more need for incarceration whatsoever.
It is already illegal, this is more fake news.
We’d be better off without them
We’d be better off without them
Be honest, you felt a little racist when you google image searched that pic.
If we keep it up, we will lose next election too.
Mariah was drunk.
What is more likely?
Best Harambe meme of 2016: