
She’s right, however that will not stop people from purposely misunderstanding her point.

I would looove to see a remake of The Notebook in which Benedict Cumberbatch and Taraji P. Henson eventually pass away in a hospital bed together, while holding hands.

Banish Zoe to the back of the mob!!

I think you are replying to the wrong person.

The irony is the same dynamic that makes performers not want anything to do with Trump (media backlash, lose hollywood opportunities) is what draws many people to him as he seems to be the anti-establishment person.

Make The Root Great Again!!

That looks like it was made by the same person who did the art in Snoop’s doggystyle album.

The men’s game was horrible, but the women’s game was literally the greatest of all time.

Haha, no. I am only mentioning youtube because I think the commentors (I’m talking about you) here are more likely to look things up there, and you know that, I was clear with my comments.

Well, I hope you educate yourself then, with regards to our healthcare system (reforms), Rand is easily the most “progressive” person in congress.

That doesn’t even make sense in the context of why he would be against big pharma. Go back to your various half-truth echo chambers, troll.

!! This one, literally killed me.

I think I speak for all men when I say:

Goon squads are coming for everybody!!!!!!!

In an ideal world, it would end with a plea to purge all Trump voters. We are at war.

Rand Paul has been trying to go to war with big Pharma for as long as I can remember, problem is no one else really (from either side of the aisle) wants to go with him.

Give the edgy kids a break, she is relatable to our side’s deplorables.

Lol, you’re an idiot, and seem to have some serious anger issues. Also, you can call everyone who disagrees with you a racist, but that doesn’t make it true, just makes you seem like a kid that has been watching too much MTV.

Ohh, is this gonna be one of those threads where everyone fantasizes about the oppression they FEEL they will be facing in 2017-Jan 2021 ?

Is there any scenario in which you may be responsible for the content you post?