
Yeah, uhh.. good one.

Imagine what Draymond was like in college.

Is there a way that the average person can get in on this refusal to do one’s job based off of one’s own personal feelings about the person receiving the service?

Same thing happened to me there 2 weekends ago.

We do not pick pres based off of popular vote.

You sound like a neo nazi talking about jews.

Huffington Post is the breitbart of the left, this place is like HuffPo lite, for lazy millenials.

An AJ post that I actually like!?!?! Its a christmas miracle!!

Id argue that many you tube stars are talented.

Apparantly you are not familiar with the damage that cultural appropriation does to the Santa community.

The irony here is that the dynamic that makes artists not want to perform at the inauguration (media bias/backlash, why would they perform for hitler?) Is the same dynamic that many people saw and helped persuade them to vote for Trump.

Why does Germany feel the need to screw up Europe once every century?

Umm, I dont think those are meant to be worn in public but I will feign outrage anyway.

Cant wait to see H3H3 cover this.

What is his Jezebel commentor account?

Whatever you say, Ms. Merkel.

I read one of their comments and almost had a heart attack!!

Keep up the double standard people, its been working out great for us so far. And some, myself included, would argue that it is why we lost the election.

*Hugs* to all the remaining inmates out there who murdered their own mothers.

Ha!! Even if twitter/facebook/youtube began succeeding in shutting down the Islamic propaganda outlets, they would just use other online sites to encourage mass murder