
The scene where Arya is introduced as the oyster girl was another one that stood out to me. You just felt that the scene was being presented in a fresh way, even if you didn't realise the specific editing choices.

White House. Two Words. Alaska!

Well fuck. I was having a pretty good day till I read this.

Are you really equating statutory rape and domestic abuse with someone saying some strange shit on the internet?

I don't know of Kanye having any history of abusing women. I remember he punched that paparazzi, that was pretty cool. I remember he did the George Bush doesn't care about black people thing, that was pretty cool (if you think Kanye's ego is unwarranted, consider that Bush apparently called this the lowest point of

I love Hannibal. Like this reviewer, I hope he finds a way to give the show his voice, because the guy is a hilarious. My great hope though is that they completely phase out the sketches. Regardless of the quality of these, I'm tired of sketch comedy.

Anyone with a moderately creative mind should realise this question is a way to talk about your hates and fears in a fun, exaggerated way. In his case, a simple 'kill all interviewers and people who expect me to be interesting' would have done the trick.

Maybe it's CBS forcing CC to take it down? Maybe they don't want Old Colbert floating around when they're trying to establish New Colbert.

There is a theory he faked his death, mainly because he was late 'taking care of things' at the start of the scene. I'm not sure though, that might have been a misdirect. Or perhaps he was in on the ambush but got killed by own, due to his proximity to the queen.

Wait, you just gave me a new theory. So people have been debating whether Stannis' sacrifice of Shireen will actually help him. What we do know is that the Lord of Light is somewhat legit (see Shadow Babies and Brotherhood w/o Banners). Melisandre has this vision of a great battle and a great leader, but I don't think

Yeah, I feel it would have actually more credible if it had been Gilfoyle who fucked up, since his confidence has been through the roof since he stole the login and I always thought that would come back to bite him in the ass.
In a way, it's still his fault because I think network security includes not letting a random