
Kate Upton can sell me anything. I’d buy a tap water off her if she dressed like that. If tony hawk ps5 had a commercial like this I might not feel so bad for buying it.

Ray Rice donated to charity, gave away turkeys at thanksgiving to familys in need, bought gifts for less fortunate kids, visited schools and helped supply them with sporting equipment, went to every community event for the kids, he visited sick kids in the hospital (my friends son included), and so much more. He is

You think it has anything to do with them both being from the Ravens? They might of been friends or they might have been on the Ravens at different times. Idk. I'm still in disarray after losing to the Browns in overtime. Now that I think about it, I need to sto thinking about it.

Yea, and my question still stands, I didn't say who would sell one without a disc, I said who would buy one lol.

Excuse me for not knowing but what the fuck happened to jimminy cricket?

I'd make them wear gloves. There bill fans, you don't know where their hands have been. Or any other body part for that matter.

i don’t care if your mob deep I hold triggers to crews, you little fucks I got money stacks bigger than you.

The packaging says right on the front, PC dvd. Who would preorder a collectors edition without a physical copy of the game? Not to mention in every other country, with the exact same packaging, it came with a disc. Ubisoft is a shoddy company with shady practices. Look at watch dogs being downgraded, unity being a

Maybe. I don’t care what she is or who she is, not my problem. All I care about is the booger sugar 😉 maybe if I go back in time and delete my comment she might not do it? Idk, I honestly don’t see your point in telling me that “she’s fucking pregnant” I’m not the daddy. Wait, what state is this in? Shit, I might be.

That’s a shame. I remember the days when you could take a bump of booger sugar in public without worrying about the whole world watching.

For crying out loud I lol’d at this LoLoL. Now I’m crying out lol.

It's like, they should have a beta or something?

He won’t be doing much swatting but he will definently be squatting.

Is this like a double reference? I'm not sure. On one hand, there was a bills fan who committed suicide in their parking lot or it could be about the Chiefs player belcher who killed his gf and then proceeded to kill himself right outside the stadium. I'll go with it being about bills fan. Your a wonderful human being!

College athletes shouldn't get paid at all. Nobody said go play football. Shits not even work. How many electricians die every year for a 30000 dollar salary? Life's tough with unexpected twists and turns. I would wreck my body to guarantee one of my kids a college scholarship. Better luck in your next career field

Fuck that, one of you gawker media websites got me before with that Google degloving shit, not again.

Keep going on and defending that nonsense lol if you your not all talk, post that shit on your Twitter account with your real face so we can see your stupidity make you famous lol. Your fucking hilarious!

^lol THE FUCK? And 22 other dumb asses liked it lol^

Money talks bruh. That’s the only reason his accuser suddenly settled out of court. Fucker is still a woman beating scumbag. Damn shame he can play and Ray Rice can’t. He’s a woman beater also but atleast he has remorse and knows his actions are wrong. Idk though, maybe if the tape never came out Ray might be as

Can I get some hate for my Orioles who basically gave the Cubs Arrieta for free. It hurts so bad it's kinda funny in a not funny way. Fuck you Arrieta for not showing us some of that magnificent talent, you dick.