
Because he’s never made one?

SO if the stall horn isn’t going when you touch down, you are going to fast. That is INVARIABLY the most frequent problem when I check out new to type pilots. Speed control, speed control, speed control. You think the Comanch is bad for wheelbarrowing, try a lightly loaded Cherokee Six. Actually you should try one! Wit

So who did Ducati borrow the bike from?

Now playing

If you haven’t watched it, this is pretty good;

General go down there. You go down there, if you got the nerve!

That’s a woman? Get the fuck outta here.


Do I wish him death? No, but I don’t wish him life either, I don’t give a flying fuck if he lives or perishes and I’m absolutely the feeling would be mutual. It would be wonderful if he got a real good taste of nearly dying though. But he’s a fucking psychopath so even that experience would not give him the ability to

Mr Picton, you’re out already?!

Having spent time in the Middle East this is one of those times that caning seems like a damned good idea.

A good “Bee sting” cake is an absolute wonder, that is for sure.

I am utterly unsurprised as my old ACD bitch can smell a dead mouse at about 647 kilometres. And then go eat it.

340A or B? Grippen?

So whose dick was Land Rover hoovering all these years?

In a disappointing attempt to break the shaft off?

A dark Far Side comic; Boever picked the worst of times to remain in costume after the office Halloween party rehearsal .

News flash; Sails ARE wings.

My particular favourite is Harriet Quimby who by virtue of getting tossed out of her airplane because she didn’t tie herself in, proved that women were just as smart as men; not very.

Vehicle taillights actually work quite well for this sort of thing.

Been there, done that. Once you have the strip in the landing lights it gets quite easy. Prior to that happening, not as easy.