tchialian hong

I, like the audience, love watching Giselle ask the Congressman a question. Now that it is confirmed that I, and Congress, and probably the audience...... are academically superior to Giselle: We enjoy Giselle’s questions to the Congressman.

I wanted to go to a USA University to do a degree. I told my mother, a white-race American School Teacher, after checking between universites, that tuition fees were the same in universities in USA compared to universities in UK. She said, through phone: “ But I don’t want you to go to USA.” What does USA law say

Scott Brown’s statement confuses me. For employment in the USA, unlike in other Western countries: there is only the H-1 visa. Only Rocket scientists etc get it. You cannot get employment in USA as waitress. Other Western countries? Yes! USA? No! Its illegal. Doesn’t the ambassador know that? Why is everyone so quick

Chinese girls in Malaysia get raped, even gang-raped by Muslim men & Indian men all the time. This, unless it results in death/death by murder, is usually not handled by the Malaysian Muslim establishment police. When there is a rape/gang-rape, which results in death, the Malaysian Muslim establishment police seize