I have so many questions. What is the blind man up to being the most urgent. I know this isn't real but I well up with tears every time I see what they did to his eyes. I just know that actually happened to someone.
I can't with Cato. I know whatever he's doing is going to end well but his ways are just so trifling. If he hadn't been so Vicky he could have killed Patti mayonnaise at that party with the guests in the other room.
If the free man he kidnapped doesn't end up free, I'll never forgive him. And desi too. Even though,…
I know quite a few parents of teenagers that don't actually parent. I told one of my friends that she interacts with her daughter like she's just babysitting someone else's kid.
For a lot of people it hasn't registered that you are solely responsible for developing and guiding this little human. Not just clothing and…
I just read the numbered points.
So, now that I'm finally all caught up on underground, there's no recap? *points at vsb* Bet.
Girl, it's a dance company. But, I still wish she that she wasn't the person assigned to communicate between the owner and the teachers.
I don't listen to rap, I'm just hanging out.
Why the snack aisle at Marshalls gotta be bougie though? I like pirhouettes with my coffe.
No, Mary and I were fine singing dancery all dis time. It wasn't ruined, it was perfect.
See? Is there even a beginning? Or do they just play some commercials and roll right to the middle at a random spot?
No hateration from me, chile. I'm just telling you what my ears are hearing.
P.s. I am so mad at how my auto correct just tried to punk me when I typed hateration.
Thank you! Next vsb is going to tell me that I've been singing the lyrics to "if I ever fall in love" by shai wrong all my life too.
No. I'm so glad I no longer work in an office.
It's one of those movies that never seem to start at the beginning. I always catch it somewhere in the middle.
My supervisor texts me something and then says "does that make since?" I can't…
I hate orientate with a passion. I worked too long around people who spoke solely in office cliches though. So, maybe it's just me. If someone had said, circle back, think outside the box, going forward, manage up or any of its brethren once more, I would have completely lost it.
First, y'all ruin dancery, now this?
Technically, most of us (southern) say Kang not king, so I feel like I'm still right.
I was a senior in high school in 2002. And I remember the exact day that I picked up that teen vogue in the school library. The author started off by saying that they, "sat in awe as Ashanti's powerful voice filled the room". I closed the magazine and put it back on the shelf because I had a research paper due in 30…