Don't get me wrong, aliyah's death was tragic and her music was popping (everything produced by Missy and timberland was popping, no matter who sang it). But she wasn't blowing me away with her vocals or stage presence.
Don't get me wrong, aliyah's death was tragic and her music was popping (everything produced by Missy and timberland was popping, no matter who sang it). But she wasn't blowing me away with her vocals or stage presence.
I figured that's why he hadn't been found.
This takes me all the way back to freshman year of college. Walking back from band practice, I had a full blown argument outside of Anderson hall about Beyoncé v Ashanti. Crazy in love had just dropped and my roommate swore that Beyoncé would be a one hit wonder without destiny's children and that Ashanti owned the…
There are memes? I just can't…
I always say, "I don't need to see the flames or get burned by them to exit. If I smell smoke, I'm gone". You smelled smoke and got ghost. That's what I would do.
Next it will be car crashes.
When I read the headline, "man commits murder because a black woman hurt him", I was just… I mean…what?
Well, I'm just getting bougier with each defining comment.
Wow. That's…a lot.
Me too. I'm just checking.
My friends and family refer to me as bougie all the time but I don't think I can trust the opinion of people who wear kitten heels and leggings as pants.
How does one know when they've crossed into bougie territory? When does the shift from black to bougie black happen?
Is it when you start ordering elaborate frappes at Starbucks? Or when you start ordering mimosas? Or when you start reading vsb every day? What are the qualifiers here? Because I might be regular black.
Child, my feet already hurt just from the rehearsals. I always forget how much you just stand around when you're working with actors and musicians.
Lol I live in Dallas. There are plenty.
When I used to be Baptist, there was an Easter parade and all the church mothers used to march around the sanctuary to show off their outfits.
And on mother's day, the children bring their mothers flowers to the front row in front of everyone and the deaconesses uses to stunt on the ones who's kids didn't bring them…
I have no idea. We review video in between services to correct any mistakes but I've never seen them put it online or anything. Probably something to do with copyrights, I think of the artists music we're dancing to.
Well, it's 2 on Saturday and 2 on Sunday to accommodate all the people who only come once a year. Plus, they always ask us to invite one person that's never heard about Jesus to service. So, it's crowded. Only easter and Christmas get that many services though. Normally, it's just 2.
I will be dancing all 4 services at my church on Easter and it's always extra. Easter and mothers day are the extraist of Sunday services. Not because of the regulars but because of the drop-ins.
Insert Mary j and kendu gif here.
I'm just being honest. Shading the sauce out of Ciara is not a recent, post-russel phenomenon. That had been going on. Now people just added russel into the mix.
I do. I find him suspicious. Silver foxy and suspicious.