
Idk. Personally, I laugh at some of it because she went from everyone calling her cierror (not me though, i would never laugh at someone chasing their dreams) and no one buying her music to a beloved relationship icon and no one buying her music, over night.
And I don't care for celebrity relationships. I only want to

I found the meme funny but that's probably because in my head there was a countdown clock the minute I found out she was married. So, I'm kind of surprised that people are shocked that this didn't work.

I feel the need to point these things out. We went from being totally underrepresented on tv to playing all the villains, drug addicts and mistresses.

No idea. I liked it until the episode where the dark skinned daughter was doing drugs and trying to convince the light skinned daughter to do it. But the light daughter is the goody 2 shoes. That pattern repeats itself over and over. It's pretty ridiculous.

Why am I not surprised? All of the dark skinned characters have all the problems and all the light skinned characters are the saviors.

I'm in my thirties but you know how families are. I'm an only child and my grandparents only grandchild, aunts and uncles only niece. So, unfortunately, I'll be the baby until I have a baby.

This is why I sleep wrapped up in several blankets like a burrito.
My family and friends talk about me so bad. When I don't show up to stuff they be like,
"is the baby coming?"
"Nah, you know she already in her cocoon."

I hop you didn't catch them like that. lol

Girl, bugs be tripping. The 2 times I saw a spider I just sprayed them with oil sheen and holding spray until they stopped moving.

There are huge furry spiders in my aunts neighborhood. We go over there for holidays. I took my dog outside for a bathroom break and all of a sudden she starts barking and whining at the ground. I went over to see what was wrong. It was a giant spider with fur y'all! My dog jumped in my arms and we ran screaming and

That means you're not a creep. But, they're out there, unfortunately. I don't feel safe walking the two city blocks from my station to my job.

Dang, I missed that. I think I was too overwhelmed by the wig itself to notice anything else.

Maybe he suffers from short term memory loss? Idk he crazy lol

"You ain't bring none for me?"
I hate those people.

The slow roll caller happened just yesterday then he turned into the negotiator. I said no twice then he yelled "dang, I can't even get your name?"
I stopped and said, "This is my third time saying no to you. The first 2 were polite and you're still invading my space and are becoming increasingly more aggressive while

They probably ugly.

It was just too glorious for any place, online or otherwise, where black people congregate to not be a topic of discussion.

I am all the way here for this! I knew mother O was just keeping her hair pressed for the people and when I saw that bun at the inauguration, I knew she was going to unleash this glory on us.

It's not even worth it.

I'm just going to hang out here until y'all post something about Michelle O's kinky wavy. I can't wait to rejoice in that picture with my sisteren.