
That forever song used to get me completely hype before going on stage so I decided to pretend that I hadn't heard "work" (that was just awful) and listened to some drake in my dressing room. Every single song sounded like a whiny cry. By the time I got to a song saying "come and see me for once" I couldn't take it

I really want to like j cole, but I listened to several songs and after referring to women as bishes for the 5th time, I wondered how exactly he's so different from everyone else. Socially not lyrically. Socially people make it seem like he's so uplifting. Maybe it's okay to call women bish if the overall message is

That's probably why I don't listen to rap in general. Most rappers are on my don't list.

I canceled him for a reason and now I don't remember what it was. Didn't he rap about date rap3 or drugging girls or something? Didn't he lose an endorsement over this? Am I thinking about the right person?

Thanks so much.

So true. I love what I see in the mirror and I hate that so many people don't feel the same. I felt bad for this dude because he is dark as night, so is his mother with beautiful, flawless skin and this is how he feels about dark skin? So sad.

Good job girl! But let me write down this clip in situation. Is this online or in stores?

Ignorance is bliss?

I like everything I've eaten there. Except the beer battered fish and chips.

Same thang.

I wanted to say I was dissappointed but I've come to expect this type of tomfoolery from Tyrese. Sadly, I had hoped that him marrying the woman he wanted would lead to decreasing his many opinions on women he's not married to. Alas, I was wrong.
And I lowkey feel like because he married a woman with straight hair that

Wow, so many good points.
So sorry you've experienced so much and then have to deal with people's ideals of how they think you should feel and act. That has to be heavy.
That reminds me of a man once telling me that I was too dark to be so confident and that I act like I'm light skinned or something. So, people have no

Always. Though, mine are more often than that. I have time management problems when it comes to waking up and getting places on time. When I'm undone it's usually because I had to be somewhere (staff development, last minute schedule changes) and I just wasn't ready when it was time to go.

I know several people that have has it, insurance covered it and everything, and they weren't that big. Now they have all kinds of health problems and have had to go in for subsequent surgeries.

I get that. Don't think I thought of it that way.
I don't see myself as unpretty on those days, I just think I'm undone.

I hate those weight loss surgeries. Every one I know or know of that has had it has serious medical problems that stem directly from it. I had always thought that those surgeries were for people who couldn't move like the people on my 600 lb life. Not for regular overweight people because of the risks.

I think that's true. Not even for other women. It's all about me. I don't need anyone to notice or like it. I need to love it before I walk out the door.
But, I do know women that are solely interested in male approval when they get dressed every morning.

Cool article Danielle! I think about this a lot. I love makeup and the whole ordeal of picking out my outfit and shoes for the day. (My Nana says that because I'm a libra I care way too much about how I look. I don't know about all that.) But, I do enjoy preening and primping. Now, with that being said, other women

I ain't ready. I'm a weepy person.

Wow. None of that is appropriate, imo.