They've announced a second date in Houston as well. I might have to go again. Her performance of freedom was everything and that's my favorite from lemonade.
They've announced a second date in Houston as well. I might have to go again. Her performance of freedom was everything and that's my favorite from lemonade.
Do you think they know they're wrong but just can't do anything about it because they're so rythmicly challenged?
Three words: A maze inggg!
Best show ever! I want to see it again and I've never wanted to see a concert again.
Yes it is! And everyone around us singing off key is like nails on a chalkboard. We were singing extra loud in 3 part harmony to drown them out. One white girl actually turned around and was like "omg they can sing for real."
I had to go in Houston. I felt like she was going to be extra hype and I wasn't wrong lol.…
My mom is 50 and she never fails telling me some old news but it's because she just found out or doesn't remember that we talked about it already. My advice, stay fb friends but unfollow so they won't show up in your newsfeed.
Are they old? You gotta give them a pass if they're old.
I'd like to hear the shins and smoked venison joke. I went to the Beyoncé concert this weekend and my girls and I (who all have incredible rythym because you have to to be able to play an instrument, March and dance at the same time and we all know each other from marching band) were surrounded by white women dancing…
Hmm, when I'm on a plane and pull out my worn copy of Malcom X by Alex Haley, white people don't say a word to me. I have gotten that silent nod from other black people though. Certain books are white people repellent.
Toasted pb and j sounds awful. Toasted?!
*picks up purse to come sit by you*
Thanks to you, I will now be referring to people I don't care for as "bread loaf ends" for the rest of the week at least.
That would probably be because that word was invented to degrade blacks while they were being treated as property, raped and killed. There's no history of rape or murder by blacks against whites behind the name Becky.
At least they don't pretend to be insulted by the words they use.
Yeah except she was just talking about how she considered suicide after being bullied on the Internet. You would think she would sat down somewhere and hush up.
True. Probably just bored.
Me too. It's not even listenable. Like sometimes I let songs play if my hands are full, doing dishes or something. I would drop everything to turn this off.
First of all, ew for making me listen to that garbage.
Secondly, thanks for the receipts.
This further proves that she needs to shut all the way up. Forever.
She did. Then wants to get on her soapbox about Internet bullying. If that's the definition of Internet bullying then she was trying to be a bully posting that "na nanny boo boo" post after the movie.
Omg, thank you!