
Okay, I see that I'm not alone in finding her unattractive. I thought she was just ok before I saw her without makeup. Her whole face disappeared. No eyebrows, no eyes no cheeks. It was like looking at blank sheet of white construction paper.

Just screenshot that for later usage. Thank you.

Girl, is you serious? She used the phrase she claims to loathe in her own song.

So many thirsty, almost-celebs are reaching for the stars trying to be connected in any way to Beyoncé and lemonade.

Iggy must like getting dragged. Must be an aphrodisiac or something.



I work for myself now. Started a part time dance company while I was there then just banked on myself full time. I prefer dancing over drama anyways.

It was an awful place. That's why after 7 years when they offered to renew my contract I was like, "nah". Now I'm a happy starving artist.

Nope. Almost everyone up there was pretty shady so that didn't surprise me.

I wouldn't put it past him. After this incident I Googled him and found hid arrest record and well…..

That part didn't even come up in the meeting. Because I had everything I needed that meeting was less than 15 minutes.
They didn't care about him trying to frame me because they're all shady and underhanded kind of people.
Most of my coworkers would have done that, hence why I had to make 3 copies of everything.

He ended up getting fired because he stopped answering my emails and phone calls like a child. He stopped doing his job because he got outdone.

So at my job there's only one white guy and he works in accounting. He lost track of some money and tried to blame me. However, he was unaware that whenever I'm working on a project I keep all emails and receipts in a binder for said project. I showed my supervisor the email from him that cleared my name and

I don't see it on Amazon. I just checked.

Did you peep that the bat she was swinging in lemonade had the name "hot sauce" printed on it? Made me feel totally different about having hot sauce in her bag.

I was lost in the sauce watching this video until that song. Visually, I liked what I was seeing and the lyrics I was hearing but it still felt jumbled until that song. That's when I started jamming (and doing a little bitty two step.)

Thanks for reminding me of how much I've never really been into hip hop. Hit me up when you get to the top ten r&b or jazz albums.

I'm not ready to read this at all. I'll come back later. I don't feel like crying right now.

I have this theory that spankings probably feel abusive to a child when their not certain that the parent loves them or is doing it out of love.
My mother spanked me growing up and I turned out great and we have a great relationship now and even then.
But, the kids I went to school with who's parents were always